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*Bobble's POV*

Thought the cracks in my blinds sunshine crept in and laid softly against the blankets over top of me but slowly the light crept its way up onto my face, keeping me from sleeping.

I slowly moved my head underneath my covers as to get some more sleep but I couldn't seem to manage to do so. I sat up and pulled the blankets off my face and turned towards the edge of my bed and opened my eyes. All I could see was light and shadow differences, I close my eyes as the light hurt my sensitive eyes. My head falls towards the ground as I sigh "Might as well just get up now." I took my legs out of my blankets and left them hanging over the edge of my bed. I got up and walked over to my desk to find some clothes laying there with a towel underneath them. I grabbed the stack and walked out of my room and towards the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom I heard shuffling from inside. "Hey cous, are you in there?" "Yeah but I'll be out in just a second!" After a minute the door opened as Headphones walked out and turned to me. "Good morning." "Hey what time is it right now?" I asked, "It's 7:18 but they'll pick us up around 8:15.” she answered, "Thanks." I say as I walked into the bathroom. 

After my shower I got dressed and  then I turned a walked over into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I heard Headphones making some breakfast for us. "Hey!" I exclaimed as I sat down at the table. "Heya" I say back. Headphones walks over to the table with 2 plates of pancakes in hand. "Dig in!" She said as she sat down in a chair. I grab my fork and start eating.

While we ate I heard a knock at the door. Headphones got up to answer the door. From the doorway I could hear the familiar voices of Goggles and Specs. "Hey Headphones!" Goggles says as I Spec says "Good morning." "Good morning guys, we will be ready to go in just a minute so come on in!" Headphones invites them in as I get up to place my plate in the sink. I heard foot steps becoming louder and louder as Goggles and Specs walked into the main area of our house. "Good morning Bobble!" Goggles exclaimed in his very energetic voice. "Hello!" I say in response. As I heard Goggles and Specs walk into the living room. I then turned and walk in the direction of my room.

I sat down on my bed as picked up my shoes to put them on. I pulled one shoe onto one foot. Then I did the same with the remaining shoe. As I did so I could hear talking coming from the living room. It was of course Headphones, Goggles and Specs talking together. They always seemed to be able to keep a conversation going, longer than I could ever do. I get off my bed and walk over to my closet. I slide the closet door open and reach my hand up to the top shelf. I feel around until I feel my slosher on the far right of the shelf. I grab it and close the door to my closet. I walk out of my room into the living room.

"I'm ready to go when ever you guys are!" I exclaim. Headphones says, "Ok then let's get going!" I hear shuffling and footsteps. Then Headphones comes up to me and grabs my hand to help guide me.

As we all walked to the train together I enjoyed the feeling of the sun shining on my back. As I heard the others talking about topics I couldn't really care less about. But I just smiled and nodded to seem like I with engaged in the conversation.

Once we got to the train station we got to wait for the train to arrive. I could tell that the others were on their phones with all the tapping and chuckling I could hear.

The train arrived and I was pulled onto the train with the help of headphones guiding me.

We got to the square as the news come on the screen above the tower. I wished that I could see the square and the news idols. Everyone says that they look so pretty.

We walked towards the tower at the end of the square and together we walked inside to see who we would be playing against today.

My team and I walk up to the stage that we would be playing on today. The stage was walleye warehouse. Before we even entered my team had noticed a board saying that the stages would change soon so I wasn't such a good idea to play a match right now but we did anyways.

As we walked in Goggles noticed a very familiar inkling talking with some random inklings. "Rider!!" Goggles yells as he runs up to the yellow green inkling, as Rider turned towards Goggles he was quickly knocked towards the ground after the blue inklings gave him a very violent hug. Specs, Headphones and I stood there as Rider proceeded to beat Goggles with his dynamo roller. After Rider had beaten up Goggles we make small talk with the other team until Jud and lil Jud came to judge our match.

~ at the end of the battle ~
(aka I'm lazy~)

In the last heated moments of the match I had been re-inking the left side of the map. I wasn't quite familiar with this map so I had been bumping into boxes and wall left and right. After bumping into one wall I dropped my slosher and stumbled backwards after hitting the wall.

The match ended and we were declared the losers of the battle.

Specs came up to me afterwards to asked me, "Why did you have so much trouble today?" He tried to sound empathic but I could tell that he was also somewhat disappointed. "I don't really know this map very well so I kept bumping into stuff." I explained but I could tell it didn't help very much. "How about after we eat and maps change we can come back and explore a bit? It that is fine with you?" He asked me in an understanding and sympathetic tone of voice. I couldn't bring myself to speak so I just smiled and nodded. But inside I knew that coming back wouldn't really help.

As he walked back to the rest of the team an announcement came on over the loud speakers, it said that map stages would be rotating in the next 5 minutes. As everyone hurried to grab their stuff and go. I was left behind trying to find my slosher, within the maze of a stage that I had found my self in.

I wondered around the stage aimlessly trying to find my slosher and my teammates. As I walked along the wall I kicked an object that was in my way. I kneeled down a felt around for my weapon after and minute of crawling around and feeling around, I found my weapon.

After finding my weapon I just had to find my friends. Easy enough task right? Nope I was so wrong.

I walked around what seemed to be the entire warehouse asking and yelling for my friends to come find me. As I did so I lost more and more hope of finding them.

At one point my voice hurt so much and my legs were so tired that I just collapsed against the wall. I couldn't seem to be able find my friends anywhere. But then I heard a door opening from somewhere within the warehouse. I stood up at the sound, I hoped so much that it was my friends.

I walked towards the sound and as I did, I could not hold in my emotions. I was so tired from walking so much. Tears started falling down my face because I just wanted to find my friends so badly.

I heard lots of foot steps so I stopped to hear where the other footsteps were coming from. As I did I heard the footsteps becoming louder and louder. I gained hope that it was them, that it was my friends.

I tried to tell them that I was there but my voice hurt so much and I could only muster up a whisper instead of the shouts and joy I wanted.

I tried to stumble forward but I ended up falling onto the ground. Hopefully they could hear the thud and come find me soon...

~ ~ ~

Hehe sorry for the cliffhanger~


Her Smile ~ ✿ *Bobble x Mask Splatoon Manga*Where stories live. Discover now