Chapter 6

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I was in a large moving vehicle that moves on four round wheels. It was like a cart but a lot different. It was black and long like a leech. It moved very quickly and it wasn't being pulled by a horse. My parents were in the seats in front of me and they were staring at me as I continued to keep my gaze out the window. I had no idea what to do or say to them. They found it amazing that I had friends and they told me all sorts of things about their daughter. I ended up getting so confused that my mind began to blank up. I thought of my friends back in my world and I wondered about the thoughts going through their heads. This is only the second time I have switched worlds but it feels like I have been doing it since I was young.

The hairs on the back of my neck started to perk up and I got goosebumps all up and down my arm. My eyes began to dart around as I felt like someone was watching me. Just as my eyes made contact with whatever was watching me, it disappeared into the tree line and I could not follow where it went. After I saw the thing that was watching me, I realized that the vehicle had stopped moving and the door was open for me to get out. My parents looked at me and made sure that I was really ok with going to this place called 'school'. They had assigned me a butler to take me to all of my classes and make sure that I was getting to where I needed to be on time.

As I got out of the car, the butler took my hand and guided me to the front doors of a large building. It had a large clock in the center tower. As I looked up at the school, I almost fell backward at how tall it was. The butler put his hand on my back just to be sure that I wouldn't fall. We started to walk up the marble staircase and made our way to the giant stone doorway. It was wide open and had a very beautiful woman standing at the center. She looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning, Cherish. Your parents have made me aware of your situation and I will try and explain to the best of my ability what this place is and what it is for," as she was talking, a large group of students made their way through the door from behind the woman. They were giggling and talking very obnoxiously. As they were walking past me, they gave me some very weird and harsh looks and then saw the woman that was talking to me and quickly turned and ran off.

"I am very sorry. Those girls have very little discipline and they always pick on this worlds Cherish. They are rude and cruel and they rarely listen to me... again I apologize."

"No, it's alright. I've never been in this kind of situation before so I guess I should learn what to expect from certain people."

She smiled again and led me into the building. As we were walking I was getting strange looks from all of the other kids. I kind of realized how weird we all must have looked. I was not technically a new person at the school and they all knew it. I was getting a personal escort from the school's principal and a butler that was holding onto my back to keep me from almost falling again.

As I kept looking around and being stared at by many people, the principal kept talking about the school's origin and how the founder was a big fan of the magical arts.

"We actually have magic in my world. Real magic. Not the fake kind that can easily be explained by mirrors and tricks of the light. And magic has never really been used for entertainment purposes. We use it as a way of defense and depending on what age your magical sense comes, you will most likely be stronger than the average witch or wizard." I explained all of our magical abilities and told her that magic was beginning to die out from our world. "People are finding new, more convenient ways of fighting and they take much less energy than magic normally takes." the principal looked at me in a state of shock. She kept making me think that she was concerned about my well-being, though this time she made it seem like she was relieved.

"You seem like a very capable young woman. I will leave your care to your butler. This is your classroom and you will not have to switch rooms at all until lunch," she pointed to the open doorway where kids were starting to sit and wait for class to start. "After lunch is over, you will come back to this room to resume your classes. I hope everything goes well today and I will talk with you later if you are still here." She then turned and walked away from me and the butler and walked off down the hallway that we had just come from. I turned back to the door and the butler ushered me into the room and to a sear closer to the back of the room. I sat down and let everything around me fade from my mind for a while. And it was kind of peaceful. 

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