Chapter 2

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Hey guys :D :D Hopefully, i will update reguraly but this is insanely hard, i actually thought it would be easier, Well this is Jason's pov for ya, i hope ya like it, im sorry if they are a little short but first time writing yada yada yada yeah well enjoy!!!


Jason II

"How did Percy do it?" i muttered to myself sadly, everyone here on the Argo II was hurting after what happened, Piper declined to come out of her room, which was bad for her and us, she doesnt eat, she hasn't eaten, she won't listen to anyone, she has barricaded herself in, Leo keeps muttering about a fotune cookie, and how it was his fault, he would randomly catch on fire in his hair or hands, he had burnt off several door handles and the steering wheel numerous times, Coach hedge ate his whole cudgel and hadn't gotten off the ballista and was so sad, he didn't even want to shoot the griffons that flew over head flying north. Frank was just pure lost, he wandred around until someone gave him an order which was usually me, other times he would change  into flying animals and fly circles as if he was stranded and wanted to go, but didn't know where. Hazel was fast asleep on the lounge couch after watching some old, sad, sappy romance movie. Nico was still exhausted and dead to the world while he was re-cooperating in the medical room. All i was doing was manning the wheel because Leo kept burning it.  

He saw Piper walk past like she was a zombie, i let festus take over, running after Piper. When he caught her he took her hand and spun her around, her eyes and tears in them, her hair was sticking up like a eagles nest ( now ain't that ironic ;) ) i thought she looked stunning, a million gold drachma's.

" hey, i know your sad, but Percy and Annabeth are two of the worlds toughest and bravest demi-gods, i'm sure they will make it to the doors, then we will be able to rescue them from the other side, i promise"

"Jason, what if.... what if we......." she trembled out the words  

" no pipes, we can't afford to think like that" i said 


"no, we must stay positive, and have hope that they will survive, anyway, were heading back to camp half blood, so you will get to see your siblings at least," I saw her scowl and remember she didn't get along with most of her siblings.

" just don't worry about it ok, just try and relax"

"o...ok Jason, and... and.. thanks" then she quickly pecked me on the lips and walked off and suddenly i had a flashback


"Both of you think of clean water - a storm of water. Don't hold anything back, nothing at all, picture all your power, all your strength leaving you."

"That's not hard!' Percy said

"But force it out" she said,'' Offer up everything, like - like your already dead, and your only goal is to help the Nymphs, it has to be a gift, a sacrifice,'

Both Percy and i both went quiet at that word

'Lets try again' i murmered ' together!'

This time all jason bent the his concentration and will towards the horn of plenty as well. The nymphs wanted his youth, his life, his power.Fine. He pushed and pushed giving it up willingly, imagining all of his power flooding out of him like a rain cloud being bust open.

Clear water blasted from the horn with such force that it pushed all 3 of them against the wall. The rain had changed to a white torrent, so clean and cold, he heard piper gasp.

'It's working' I shouted

'Too well,' Percy said, ' were filling the room even faster!'

He was right. The water rose quickly that the roof was only a few inches away, I started to wonder what it would be like to die, atleast il be with Piper and Percy he thought.

House Of Hades #4 in the Heroes Of Olympus seriesWhere stories live. Discover now