About Time

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"Will you stop staring at me like I'm that Chinese food?" Buck asked as he leaned against the giant window in his own personal bedroom. He hadn't used it in, well, he'd forgotten how long, but Del had texted him that he was coming up with Mina, and he knew what meant. 

He couldn't remember the last time Del had actually slept with someone that way, so he wasn't going to be around to cause any issues... and he wasn't going to let Magnus hang about, either. Unfortunately, that meant that the guy was now in his smaller room, watching him as he decimated the buffet he'd bought from the Chinese restaurant down the street. 

"I think my wallet would die before I could sate your appetite." He noted in awe as he took a small bite of his vegetable Lo' Mein. 

Magnus finished off a container of General Tso's before smirking at him and pointing his chopsticks at Buck. "Oh, you can sate me. It won't even cost you a thing. I'll provide the condoms." 

Buck had returned his attention to the window as Magnus had started speaking, and didn't glance over his shoulder at the man until he'd taken another bite of food, swallowed, and licked his lips calmly. 

"I'm good, but if I ever get disturbingly horny and both of my hands happen to have been amputated, I'll consider almost taking you up on that offer." He said before turning his attention back to his small tray of food and taking another bite. 

This is delicious. 

He really did enjoy the Chinese restaurant down the street.  

"Hey deer." Magnus grumbled from above and behind him, making Buck tilt his head back just in time for his jaw to get grabbed painfully, holding it still as Magnus's rough lips crashed against his own.

Not exactly the taste I'm looking for. He mused with disinterest as Magnus did his best to devour his mouth, then quickly kiss, or really, bite, his way down to Buck's neck. 

"You really should ask before you touch," He stated as he nonchalantly brushed Magnus away with a shrug and gesture from his arm. 

The guy backed off, but not by much. He'd dropped to his knees, making Buck look down just the slightest to peer into his shining, hungry eyes. 

"Just go eat until you're in a coma. That will get you much more sated than trying anything with me again." He said as he poked at his food with his fork, then took another bite as he turned his attention back out the window. 

When he didn't get a response, or hear Magnus move at all, Buck swallowed his bite of food and turned a little so that he could reach over and pet the man's soft hair. 

"It's alright, Maggie. I'll give you an A for effort, alright?"

Del finally set him down once he'd walked into his giant bedroom and locked the door behind him. Mina flicked his tail and glanced around, surprised that he didn't see Buck anywhere. 

"He went to his own room since I texted him that we'd be busy." Del said as he pulled his shirt up and over his head, making Mina's eyes widen. 

His lion wanted to move closer, but at the same time, it still didn't trust him. 

Smart cat. Finally. 

"Tell that smart cat to let you shift back." Del said as he sat down on the edge of his huge bed and smirked at him. 

This smart cat says that you still owe it a huge apology first. Mina thought to him as he flicked his left ear twice, then swatted at it with a paw before licking at said paw. 

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