Chapter 12

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Before I even left the backyard I had already closed in on her scent. Tracking her was easy after that.

Catching up to her on the other hand, was not.

She was sleek and muscled. She was faster than any wolf I had seen before and she knew it. She had no hesitation in her movements. Her footfalls were constant and strong. Not only could I follow her scent, but I could see where her paws dug into the ground. Deeper and deeper as she realized someone was on her trail. She was trying to push herself faster to lose me. I slowed down. I didn't want to push her further away, I wanted to catch up to her.

I gave off the illusion that I gave up. I increased the distance between but was careful not to lose her scent or her tracks. I was barely at a jog and I knew she was pulling away.

At first, I was worried. Her tracks stayed deep. She was still running. I was just about to pick up to a sprint again, but then I noticed her tracks were getting shallower and shallower. Then her scent got stronger and stronger. She was actually slowing down and I was finally getting the chance to catch up.

I stepped lightly, careful not to make any sound. In the distance, I heard the sound of water. As I got closer and closer I heard her breathing. It was slightly quickened, but nowhere near what I would expect from the run she just had. She was strong, in shape. She was on a whole other level than most female wolves I knew.

Seeing her lose it and shift the way she did . . . I had to say it turned me on. I loved the quiet, reserved, and sweet parts of Maya, but seeing her like that . . . truly wildly and powerful was something else entirely. It was beautiful and amazing. I wanted to see more of her.

Soon, I approached a clearing. There was a river and a small bank where the trees weren't quite right up against the water, but a few feet back. My eyes followed the bank and there she was, further down.

She was still in her wolf form and she was beautiful. The sun broke through the trees in just the right way to make her soft gray coat shine. Her head rested on her paws, which were slightly wet, probably from her getting a drink of water. Her eyes were open watching the water. She was deep in thought.

I just wanted to stay here and watch her. I wanted to let her have her time, but the sun was beginning to set and everyone would be waiting for us to return.

I took a deep breath, looking her over one last time and then I stepped out of the tree line. My body hadn't fully left the trees and she was already on her feet, ready to pounce growling at me. Every muscle in her body was tense. It was a sight to see. You would never think this intense animal could be the same sweet girl from earlier, but she was. And it fascinated me.

Slowly I walked up to her. I lowered my eyes and then my head. We could not communicate through the mind link because we were not in the same pack. Yet, anyway.

I tried to show her I was not a threat, just long enough to get her to recognize my scent.

I went to take another step, but her growl got louder so I stepped back again.

Come on, Maya. You know it's me.

Suddenly the growl was gone. I watched her paws as she stepped closer to me. I could hear her sniffing the air and then she stepped back.

I looked up and met her eyes the question there was clear.

I nodded my head to respond. She turned away and went back to lay down next to the river. I wanted so bad to lay right next to her. To stay here and ignore everything that was going on back at the pack house, but my chance with her could be easily taken away if my Father believed I was as irresponsible as Hunter. For now, I have to do things on his terms. For now.

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