chapter 8

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"what'd you do to your hair?"

"Cut it obviously"

CJ rolled his eyes "well duh but why?"

"I wanted to that's why!" Hannah lost her temper for a minute before regaining herself.

"I was tired of having to take care of so much hair I figured this would fix it" she smiled and grabbed her keys.

"See you later"

"Bye sis"

Hannah locked the door behind her and turned to leave right as her phone buzzed. Looking down she grinned at the email.

"Great I got in." She quickly scanned the email saying she got into the school she wanted and that the next semester would be starting in just a few months. Sighing at the stress that would be on the coming months she out her phone away and drove to work.

"You cut your hair!!!" Lizzy screeched when Hannah walked in causing every customer to turn and watch Hannah as she walked to the counter.

"You think? Thanks for announcing it to the world.

"No problem luv" Lizzy blew a kiss to her friend and handed her a coffee

"Here this is an extra"

"Thanks babe"

"So why'd you cut it?"

"The real story?" Lizzy nodded and turned her full attention to Hannah waiting for her to spill.

Hannah sighed "I got distracted last night and accidentally used Nair instead of my shampoo..." Lizzy burst out laughing and Hannah hid her face a little

"Not so loud please!"

"Yo Jacob! Hannah used Nair in her hair!"

"Oh honey no!" Jacob gasped and then doubled over laughing

"You must have been totally out of it to do that!" Lizzy and Jacob continued laughing until their sides hurt, meanwhile Hannah just rolled her eyes and clocked in.

"Excuse me if you too great examples of everything wrong with our reproduction system are all finished cackling like hyenas there are people wating for their coffee"

Jacob grabbed his heart  "Ouch that one hurt" he feigned pain and turned to the counter.

"Good one!" Lizzy laughed and left to clean a table.

"Those comebacks are going to get you into trouble one day" Hannah's manager and the boss of the shop grinned at her.

"Nah" Hannah waved him off and tied her apron on. He laughed and left back to his office

"I like the hair by the way!" He tossed over his shoulder before closing the door. Hannah smiled fondly at the man.

On her break Hannah finally put up the add for a room for rent and prayed someone would jump on it quickly, it wasn't as if she was renting in for a lot the rent was actually probably too cheap but she was desperate.

"Here goes" she finished her food and went back to work trying to forget and not worry about whether someone would want the room or not.

Clocking out Hannah decided to stop by the store on her way home.

"If someone's going to be moving in I should probably make the room more presentable"

Walking through the store she grabbed a bed set, some pillows and curtains, she added a rug and a lamp to the cart as well.

"How can I make the room more inviting?" Talking out loud to herself got her a few weird looks but she couldn't care less.

"Seriously what do you put in a strangers room?"

"What?" A girl who had walked up near Hannah turned to her and tilted her head.

"Sorry I was talking to myself. I'm trying to decorate a room I'm trying to rent out and I have no idea how to decorate for a stranger." Hannah gave a nervous chuckle and looked back at the pictures she was looking at.

"Hmmm that's a good question. What color of bed spread did you pick out?"

"Black and White, figured it was a good anyone color combination"

"How bout some beach pictures or city skylines?"

"That's a good idea thanks" Hannah grinned at the girl.

"I'm Hannah" she stuck out her hand and the girl grabbed it and they shook hands.

"Abbey" the girl grinned

"So has anyone said they were interested or our you doing this out of faith?"

"Faith haha" Hannah laughed and grabbed a Seoul skyline picture.

"Cool we'll see you around" Abbey turned and walked away.

"Bye" Hannah waved and turned to head towards the checkout lines.

Out of the store Hannah struggled to hold on to all the bags.

"Why did I try to carry them all! Ughh I should have kept the cart" if her hands hadn't been completely full she would have face palmed herself.

At that moment a car drove by and sprayed her with water. Trying to cover herself she let go of the bags and they all tumbled all over the place.

"Noooo oh gosh please no" Hannah raced around trying to grab everything and as she reaches for the bag holding the pictures she just bought her head collided with another.

"Ouch sheeesh" her hand went up to run her head and she looked up to see who she just collided with.

Her eyes met a deep ocean blue. He was at least half a foot taller then her she blushed a little as he fixed the beanie that had nearly fallen off when their heads hit.

"Sorry" he mumbled, his voice was deep and held a hint of embarrassment.

"No it's fine thanks for helping" Hannah smiled at the man.

She was almost afraid of him, he seemed the type that would not have any sympathy if he had to hurt someone, yet at the same time his eyes almost held a softness that made her want to know him more.

"That's a lot of stuff" he handed her the bag and noticed all the other bags she was trying to juggle not to let slip.

"Ha yeah I'm trying to redecorate a room I'm trying to rent out" Hannah half smiled before it slipped along with one of the bags.

"Would you like help carrying them to your car?"

Hannah hesitated knowing she shouldn't. He could be a serial killer for all she knew but she also really needed help.

"Hmm sure thank you" she handed him several of the bags and started towards her car.

Yay!! It only took 8 chapters but they finally met!! Hope y'all like the chapter 😊😊💜💜

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