Chapter 5 | Problems

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Yoongi sat in bed, thinking about everything. It had been a few days since the kiss, and Hoseok has been avoiding the younger male ever since. Every time Yoongi tried to talk to him, Hoseok would come up with a lame excuse to leave. Every time he saw Yoongi in the building, he would run away. At this point, Yoongi was getting frustrated.

Yoongi sat up. "If it was a mistake, why did he ask me to do it again? Am I that irresistible?"

Yoongi decided to ask the only person he knew to ask.

"Hello?" Seokjin's voice was heard on the other side.

"Jin, you're the gayest person I know." Yoongi began,

"The gayest." Jin nodded, even though Yoongi couldn't see it.

"I kissed this guy, and-"

"You kissed someone? When's the last person you kissed?" Jin asked.

"Can you not interrupt me?" Yoongi asked annoyed.

"Jeez, someone's on their man period." Jin laughed,

"But then he pulled away saying 'this was a mistake' AFTER he told me to kiss him again!" Yoongi ranted. "And now he's been avoiding me for the LAST THREE DAYS!"

"Yoongi, if there's anyway you two can get alone together, any chance, take it. Once you two are alone, you can sort things out and talk about everything. If that doesn't work, maybe be more forceful." Jin suggested. "And if he doesn't wanna talk. Then he can go fuck off."

"This is why your my best friend." Yoongi smiled.

"Who's this guy, anyway?" Jin asked.

"You don't know him." Yoongi shook his head.

"Maybe I do?"

"It's the guy I pushed you into."

"Oh." Jin nodded, "Yeah I don't know him."

"Told ya."


Jin and Bora were walking down the streets. The past 5 months of training, Yoongi, Jimin, and Bora started to become closer friends, which led to Jin becoming friends with them too. They were walking when Bora saw Jin's face lit up. Bora turned her gaze where Jin was staring at, surprised to see Namjoon.

"Grape hair!" Jin waved.

"Grape hair?" Bora made a low chuckle, "Is this your attempt at flirting? Cause you need to work on it."

Namjoon walked over, greeting Jin. "Flirting?" He asked. "Are you gay?"

"SUPER gay." Jin nodded proudly.

Namjoon laughed at that," I'm bi."

"Oh really?" Jin smiled, knowing he had a chance with the handsome man in front of him. The two haven't noticed Bora ditch the both of them, going to do her own things.

"So where you heading?" Namjoon asked, now walking along on the sidewalk with Jin.

"My friend and I were about to go to the café, but I guess she left without me." Jin shrugged,

"Oh, sorry for ruining your plans." Namjoon apologized.

Jin chuckled, "It's fine. We can always reschedule for another time. We were supposed to go out with Yoongi and Jimin, but they had things to do. You're such a gentleman."

Namjoon nodded. So it turns out Jin was friends with the new trainees. He gulped, taking all his courage, he spoke, "Well I was just going on a walk. You wanna go somewhere together?"

Jin's face lightened up, "Yeah! Where do you wanna go?"

"Oh I was just about to ask you that." Namjoon said. His gaze shifting behind Jin, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Nope." Jin shook his head, turning around to see what Namjoon was looking at. "You wanna eat there?"

"If it's fine with you."

"Let's go then." Jin walked to the entrance, Namjoon following his steps.

While Namjoon and Jin were on their little unofficial date, Bora went back home, glad to see Namjoon and Jin together. They both are such amazing people and it made her happy to see her two friends hanging out together.

Jungkook and Taehyung were on there little date. They've been dating for a year, and everything was going well until Jungkook's jealousy got into the relationship. Taehyung had a lot of good-looking, single guy friends. Jungkook got really jealous, but he didn't say anything. Taehyung obviously knew from his boyfriend's face that something was wrong. When he confronted Jungkook, Jungkook brushed it off. This irritated Taehyung cause he wanted to know what was wrong with his boyfriend.

"Who're you texting?" Jungkook asked, failing to hide his jealousy.

"Don't worry, it's just my friend." Taehyung assure Jungkook, pecking his lips.

Jungkook couldn't hide his frown though, and that went noticed by Tae. "Jungkook, you trust me don't you?"

"I'm sorry," Jungkook apologized, "I just, I don't know."

"Part of being in an relationship, is trusting your partner, Jungkook." Taehyung stated putting both his hand's on Jungkook's shoulder.

"I do trust you." Jungkook said quietly. He honestly did, but his tone only gave the wrong impression.

Taehyung gave him a look of disbelief, taking his hands off Jungkook's shoulders. "Tae-"

"I'm going home," Taehyung turned around, hiding his frown, "I need some time for myself."

He left Jungkook in the cold. Jungkook not being able to comprehend what just happened.


Hoseok was back at it again, training. It was Wednesday. The trainees going through a simulation of the missions they will be doing. Namjoon was by Hoseok's side, listening to everything his best friend had to say, like the good best friend he is. Hoseok had already told Namjoon about everything between him and Yoongi. He felt bad for everything that had been going on between the two. He didn't know what else to do, so he went to his best friend.

"He's been trying to talk to me. But every time, I just run away." Hoseok explained. "I'm just confused."

"Hoseok, be honest," Namjoon began, "do you like Yoongi?"

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