Chapter 26 | Yon

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"Where the hell is it!?" Bang frantically searched his office for the file. Pulling the drawers open, and slamming it shut, rummaging through the papers.

"What are you looking for?" A voice was heard right at the door.

Bang turned around, seeing Hoseok with his arms crossed as he leaned on the door frame. "The file on the recent case I put you on, along with Namjoon, Bora, and Yoongi."

"You lost it?"

"No, it's missing. I never lose my things." Bang denied.

Hoseok rolled his eyes at Bang's remark, "So you're saying it was stolen?"

"We do have a spy here, don't we?"

"Do you have any idea who the spy is?" Hoseok asked, "The others and I talked, we narrowed it down to the higher-ups who didn't take part in the mission to save Yoongi."

"Not many of the higher-ups take part on that mission, most of them were on another mission." Bang replied, "And that mission didn't go too well."

"Now that narrows it even more." Hoseok smirked. Now they were getting somewhere.


Namjoon watched as Mark was sparring with his sparring partner. The rest of the graduated teens were right outside of the training room. Mark could feel Namjoon's glare on him, he sighed lifting up both his hands in forfeit.

"I can't spar like this." Mark groaned in fake annoyance. But really, he was amused.

Mark's sparring partner looked at him with a confused expression. He tilted his head.

Mark turned to Namjoon who had been standing there since they started training, "If you got a problem, say it. You afraid I might go to steal your guy too?"

Namjoon sucked his teeth before flashing a dimple smile. "Nothing, I was just distracted."

"Good job, Joon!" Jimin cheered in a quiet voice as he peeked through the door.

"He's handling his anger for now, but Mark's a bitch." Yoongi commented.

"It's important to act normal. Don't wanna scare him off." Bora told them, "Let's just hope he doesn't anything that will make Namjoon act out the way Hoseok did."

"We don't even know if it's Mark or not, why are we spying on him?" Jungkook asked, "I thought you said we should keep an open mind when it comes to these things."

"I know I said that, but Hoseok said that they narrowed it to 18 people. Mark is on of them." Jimin replied.

"So there's an even bigger chance of him being the spy," Taehyung breathed out, "I'm not surprised."

"None of us are." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "What are we gonna do when we find the real spy though?"

"Bang will decide that when the time comes." Hoseok answered, his voice making everyone jump.

"You guys aren't even trying to be secretive about suspecting Mark." He shook his head.

"We are!" Taehyung pouted.

"Well you aren't doing a good job at it." Hoseok sighed. "If he found out that we suspect a spy in the organization, he would've left as soon as possible. You're lucky he doesn't know."

"Skrrt skrrt." Taehyung replied under his breath.


There was a knock on the door of the old woman's house. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she got up from the seat of her couch, making her way towards the door. She peeked through the peephole, seeing a tall man with purple hair. She unlocked the lock on her doorknob, but not the chain lock.

The door opened to an extend, being held back from the chain. The man looked at her, giving her a dimpled smile. He held up a crumpled paper, making her gasp.

She quickly unlocked the chain lock, letting him in. "Did you find her?" She asked the stranger.

He frowned, shaking his head sadly, "I found this paper all crumpled up on the streets. I saw that the little girl in this picture was missing, and this was hung up a few months ago. I just wanted to check on you and see how you're doing and if you've found her. I guess not."

"It's been so long, even the damn police gave up on her." She cursed under her breath, "All my money is gone too and I was fired from my job."

Namjoon immediately felt bad for the women, "Well my friends and I will try everything in our power to help as much as we can. Do you trust us?"

"Yes, yes." She nodded quickly, "Just bring her back home."

"We will, but first we need you to answer some questions..."

She proceeded to answer Namjoon's questions. Her daughter's name was Yon. She always went to the park after school because the house was locked and her mom didn't trust her with a key.

Bad parent, amirite?

Anyways, one day after school she went to the park as always, and when her mother came to pick her up, she found her daughter was missing. The police couldn't find any evidence of her whereabouts, so they weren't much help.

Her mom didn't believe that they would find her daughter, but everyone else had already given up. They were her last hope.


"So the last place she was seen, was here?" Bora asked as she looked around the neighborhoods park.

"Yep," Namjoon nodded.

There was a giant hole in the bushed that led to a forest near the park. They were gonna check it out after searching around the park. Yoongi walked to the tunnel slide, using the flashlight on his phone to look inside.

He immediately found dry blood smeared on the roof of the tunnel. He wouldn't have been able to see it.

"He guys!" he got there attention.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked while running over.

"There's dry blood smeared in there." Yoongi pointed inside.

"Let me check," Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's phone that still had flashlight turned on.

He climbed up the slide, seeing the blood there. He furrowed his eyebrows before sliding down.

"Not too sure if that's hers. But we can assume that this was the last place she was before going missing." Hoseok stated as he gave Yoongi back his phone.

"Now, onto the forest!" Bora pointed towards the giant hole in the bushes.

author note:
AHHH I'M SORRY. I published this chapter before the last one. I'm such an idiot. Hope you weren't too confused lol

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