Steve Trevor

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BOOOOM!!! There is fire in the skies trees knocked over people screaming as tanks roll through firing killing dozens of innocent men women and children.. American soldiers are there trying to fight but to no avail, there aiming the tank for a hospital with survivors this is May of the 3rd year of world war two, five us planes come flying around the hospital and the tank starts firing them down one keeps moving and dodging the pilot is sweating uncontrollably and Praying he's face is sadden as he watchs his brothers in arms fall from the sky... The saddness turns to angry as the pilot begins firing all over the German ground soilders and camps they've set up, the tank starts following the plane the pilot who's name is Steve Trevor, and he knows he can diverge the fire from the building on to him self the bad part is this will lead to him getting shot there's a small window in the cock pit, he drops a grenade onto the camp from what looks like there other weapons it causes there bombs to explode as well YES! He screams the bomb has taken out the tank however it fires one final hitting the plane oh man Steve says as the plane starts to go do he falls over the ocean and sees a small island his plane crashes....

Steve's plane has laned on a small island standing on top of a mountain is a tall woman with Dark hair, she races to the plane at super human speed, she sees shattered bits of the plane what's this she thinks picking up a rotor she says Steve he's unconscious she grabs him and takes them back to her village Hoping they can save him, they arrive at the village Everyone is shocked to see him there hasn't been any outsiders in years and there island is home of the Amazons, she takes him to there medicine area she starts pumping on his chest as she finds some virals, he starts coughing and slowly comes to he sees the woman stairing at him, where am I... Who are you Steve asks I'm Diana princess of Themyscira the woman says, what's a themyscira? Steve asks it's the island you're on, how did you get here asks Diana, my plane went down Steve says while putting his hand on his head, what is a plane asks Diana you don't have them here? Anyways they allow you to fly, is there anyway to fly here? Steve asks I've never seen anything like it and no we don't have any planes but we do have a way of flying Diana says please elaborate quickly I gotta get back home there's a war Steve says okay Diana says as she steps back and looks down he legs slowly move up as she starts levitating off the ground and starts smiling at Steve, Steve puts his hand on his head this isn't possible where's the wires I must of landed on enemy territory he says frantically looking around, there's no wires Diana says as she starts flying around the room doing circles as Steve faints... Oh dear Diana says as she lands checking on him the Royal guards of the queen enter and grab Steve hey what is happening Diana asks, you're mother would like to see you and the prisoner is to be transferred to a cell wait what Diana says as they take Steve and escort her away...

In the queens room, Diana I can't believe you would associate with the criminal his kind aren't welcomed here Diana's mother aka the queen of themyscira, he's not a criminal he was injured he was shot down in something called a plane he needs  help, Diana says  tomorrow the prisoner will be executed the queen says, he said there was a war he has to get back to.. they need him they need us what about our wars you told me about Diana says to her mother, we don't know him we don't trust him, and yes Diana the wars of old were terrible horrible and downright cruel so why should we be any less we let him go his armies will come back and kill us all,  that is all I have to say the queen says.

Diana looks out of the window, she knows he's right but so is her mother she can't let him die she must know the truth she starts sneaking around the vault she eyes a gold lasso she grabs it, she sees the prison it's being guarded  she flies to the roof without being noticed she breaks a little bit of the roof, what are you doing here asks Steve, I need you to hold this and then tell me what you're planning, Diana says while holding the laso I just wanna go home Steve says as he takes the rope, who are you and why do you wanna go home Diana asks I'm Steve Trevor, and because my country... No the world is on fire and good people are going to die and I have to help them, and because I wanna see  Sarah I miss her I miss my family I miss tv I miss hotdogs  why am I saying all this he asks while looking at Diana she looks at the laso and he let's go of it, we call it the laso of truth it forces you to tell the truth, I'm going to help you get home and I'm going to help you fight Diana says with a smile, yay but what can we do he says she punchs the cell wall crumbling it as Steve stairs in shock how are we gonna get back he says as Diana starts hovering I'll fly us  remember she says, oh yeah I forget I thought I hallucinated that Steve says... The guards come in  Diana is quick, gets out in time, as the two fly off....

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