The War

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They fly for hours till they reach the Americas, they land wow just wow you're super strong you're super fast and you can fly is there anything else Steve asks with a smile, nope that's all I think, ive never gotten to really use my abilities the island has been peaceful for years now which is good Diana says, but boring.. don't get me wrong I can't wait for this war to be over but... Man I just can't live a normal life I'm a fighter it's just how I'm made I guess it's the American in me Steve says with a smile, maybe it's a shared trait, I don't want war but the fight the excitement of battle I think I have a purpose and I don't think it's being on that island, Diana says yeah you're tough and you're very moral I like that thank you again Steve says you're welcome Steve my mother the queen won't approve but I need to do this it feels right.. they land we're here says Steve how can you be sure the sign it's English either that or we're in Britain Steve says...

The two of them eventually find a phone and Steve calls the military he learns the town he saved was captured and the Germans are setting up a torture camp, him and Diana head to the town,

Tanks are positioned around the town in a circle they have plans hovering above and in the middle of the town they are building a signal tower of some sorts, what are they doing asks Steve as there doing recon in a shed on the edge of town, I think they are trying to call someone wtih the tower, Diana says as she looks in horror the people being tortured, the lives in ruin she's never seen so much darkness, we can't beat them Steve says as he lays his head in his hands, we can't give up Steve, what's that Diana asks pointing to a small flag blowing on the ground it's red white and blue, that's the flag.. our flag the American flag Steve says in dispare what does it stand for? Diana asks, Truth, justice and freedom for all one nation under God it's the American way Steve says, Truth justice and freedom, thats what I believe Diana says she sees a few paint cans, she's wearing an all gold armor she sees red and blue paint cans Steve I need you to get to a tank, go behind and take it over she says how I'm gonna do that he asks just go Diana says, she paints the skirt armor blue and her the front of the suit red, she leaves the gold an emblem that has what looks like two Ws, go time she says as she flies into the sky the planes start firing and the bullets bounce off her, she flies through one of the planes destroying there tanks begin firing on her and she moved so quickly they start hitting the planes, Diana lands as they all start falling to the ground there's twenties soldiers waiting for her on the ground she has indestructible bracelets on she slangs them together creating a powerful concussive blast knocking them all down, she destroyes the camp running at super speed sitting it on fire saving the people and getting them to a building and she pulls out her lasso and throws it around one of the tank cannons and pulls it around and fires it at the other tank, Steve arrives her take this she says pointing to the tank he climbs in an and fights the soldiers knocking them out, Steve uses the tank on the tower to blow it down, there's five tanks left they start convergening on him oh great he thinks Diana uses her super speed she grabs a small device with a trigger she saw one of the soldiers throwing it then there was a blast she throws it into the cannon of the tank blowing it away she takes out her sword and runs it across the treads of another, a young American soldier who was gotten free and is  in about his twenties watchs, in horror he runs to the tower shut it down he says to the scientists pulling out his gun
They ignore him and keep working,
Diana takes her laso and ties it to the two tanks as they go in opposite directions nearly killing her, save me says a voice to the young soldier as a screen lights up with an icon how the soilder asks, take this device stick it in a computer when you get home it will make a copy saving me from destruction, you know they will beat me i can't win we must adapt, the screen says how can I trust you I don't know you're name the soldier says, I can argue the same thing but I believe there is a difference I can give you you're wildest dreams I can get you a better life you so desperately desire... My name is O.M.A.C the voice replies my names Max... Max lorde you can really help me? He asks Yes Maxwell I will help you but first I need you to help me the O.M.A.C says Maxwell yeah that sounds right okay I'll do it Max says taking the device, the last  tank goes for the building with the people inside Diana runs in the direction she grabs the front of the tank pushing it back as it starts pushing her forward it's an up hill battle she's strong but worn from fighting and the tank keeps going Steve blows the tower and it falls to the ground she keeps holding it as it's pushing her back, Steve uses his last shot and blows the tank, saving Diana she smiles at him, in all the confusion Maxwell escapes he rips his dog tags off and throws them in a fire,
So we're will you go Steve asks
Probably home hope I can make up with mother Diana replies she sees all the people her and Steve saved and brings a smile to her face all the happy Children and people thanking God just for another day a life, this this is the American dream... Freedom Steve says I think I'd like some of that, and to try a hotdog Diana says maybe you could hang around for awhile you know save some more villages Steve says maybe Diana says with a smile as puts her hands on her hips and just enjoys life....

After countless battles with Steve and taking down of nazis Diana returns home and makes up with her mother she still visits America and all over the world, she walks to the area she found Steve and picks up one of the rotors from his plane shes l...

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After countless battles with Steve and taking down of nazis Diana returns home and makes up with her mother she still visits America and all over the world, she walks to the area she found Steve and picks up one of the rotors from his plane shes learned on machines work she takes the parts and starts working on  a plane of her own something a little less visible she thinks.....

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