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The rumbling of the engine seemed strangely soothing as they went on in silence, lips sealed and the radio off. He stole many looks at her but it was more out of unease than anything else - Bucky Barnes had done many risky things in his life, jumping from moving vehicles, getting in the way of moving vehicles, but the way she was driving made him uneasy.

It wasn't like she didn't know what she was doing, it was the blatant confidence she displayed in the way she drove at a speed that was too rapid for his liking that unsettled him. He had taken to tightly gripping his seat with one hand and if he were to judge by the seemingly permanent smirk etched on her lips, it was safe to say she was aware of his discomfort. But what more could he do, really? Not that he would ever ask her to slow down - that would be a huge blow to his confidence. He wouldn't allow it.

At some point, they left the main road, and Bucky's hold on the chair tightened as they got to a dirt road in between numerous tall trees and she slowed down just slightly, still driving at a speed any sane person would avoid. That was it; he had survived thus far to die in the hands of an agent.

It felt like a dream come true when she slowed down a bit and turned her jeep to an even smaller road before gradually slowing down completely. The tall trees had disappeared now, and as the car came to a stop, Bucky noticed they were in front of a farm that in all honesty, seemed abandoned. As soon as the car had stopped moving, he tried opening the door only to realise it was locked. He waited for a while, expecting her to unlock it but when he tried once more and realised the door wasn't opening, he slowly turned to face her.

Aiyla's smirk was a clear sign she had been watching him for a while. "You seem a bit pale, Mr Barnes. I hope my driving didn't scare you?"

"Of course not, I drive a bike myself, I'm accustomed to speed."

She raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"

Bucky's eyebrows furrowed and he decided to avoid that question, "The doors are locked."

She let out an exclamation of mock surprise as she unlocked the car, "I didn't notice."

He just blinked before shaking his head briefly and finally leaving the car. Aiyla was quick to follow him out. "There are two suitcases in the backseat, one is mine, the other is yours. I took only what I deemed necessary."

"I've been on the run before, in case you forgot," he mumbled as he took a suitcase while she took the other. "If I understand correctly, I'm apparently in danger?"

"You are," she admitted as she brushed past him to the house. "By a new threat this time, I'm afraid."

There was no answer to her question but she didn't pay much mind to it as she got up the stairs to the farm and opened the door, leaving the suitcase inside. "We're going to-" Her words died in her throat as she realised Bucky was not behind her. She got back outside, only to notice he had remained exactly where she had left him, standing beside her black jeep. With a small frown, she got out once more and headed to the jeep. "Mr Barnes?"

Slowly, he dragged his eyes over to her, his voice coming out in a whisper. "Who else wants me dead?"

She smiled, but it offered him no comfort. "I wouldn't take it personally if I were you, Mr Barnes. They aren't attempting to kill just you."

"Then who-"

"They are targeting former assassins," she cut in gently as she reached forward and grabbed his suitcase. "But don't worry about it, Mr Barnes. As long as I'm with you nobody is going to hurt you."

"You can't promise me that."

Aiyla only sent him a smile before locking the car and grabbing his suitcase. "I just did."

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