Jasmine Knows The Truth

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Carl P.O.V.

I can't believe I lied to Olivia she's one of the most honest person I meet since this thing started. What am I suppose to tell her "yeah I know what happened to your dad,I shot him in the head and killed him". I go find Glenn and see if he knows what I should do.

Glenn P.O.V.

I hear Carl yelling my name,I finally say "yeah Carl I'm down here". He comes running down to me looking upset. What's wrong Carl?. He says I lied to Olivia about what happened to her dad. What am I supposed to tell her? I look at him,thinking about what he should do. I ask him "can you still tell her the truth?" He looks at me and starts to yell "THE TRUTH,THE TRUTH HOW IS SHE GOING TO FEEL KNOWING I JUST LIED TO HER GLEEN HUH!

Jasmine P.O.V.

I guess Glenn and Carl didn't know Beth and me were still in guard tower because now I know he has something to do with Olivia's dad death. I tell Beth "I'll be right back". She says "okay". I run down the steps and out the door. When I come out the door I look at Carl then I start to run towards the prison to find Olivia. Carl runs after me saying "stop,stop please I'm going to tell Olivia on my own time". I look at him and say "Carl do you like Olivia?". He looks at me and nods his head. I say "fine but just so you know Olivia doesn't like liars".

Beth P.O.V.

Jasmine just ran out the guard tower on her shift. I go down the steps and see Glenn just standing there. I go up to him and ask "what's going on?" He says "Olivia wants to know what happened to her dad,she ask Carl he lied to her,so he came to me asking what he should do." I just look at him at little shock and a little sad for Olivia.

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