The Fire That Never Lit

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February 15th 1944

It was a pitch black night. Being the SAS, we had been trained for every and any situation, but one we did not see coming. We had been told we'd be parachuting from our aircraft on Peenemünde. The biggest rocket base in history. The Nazis were thought to be testing the V-1 and V-2 rockets there at the time. It'd be caught by an allied reconnaissance aircraft and, at the time, was thought to be the biggest, best target in Nazi Germany. Another prime target was Ludolf von Alvensleben, a german ace pilot and general. Probably one of Hitlers wingmen, he was thought to be at the base at the time testing new engines designed by von Braun. Von Braun was hitlers best rocket scientist, and he sure knew some engineering. Today, he is named as the father of Rocket Science.

So on the coldest, dampest and dark nights. We was dropped out of our aircraft and left to do what we could to wind down, receive information and eliminate everything about Peenemünde. So we got cracking.

We had landed a bit far off from our target but it was only a twenty minute March and we saw some lights over a hill, so in instinct, we climb over the hill. We couldn't see what we was doing, im sure I trod over some weapons and equipment, nether-the-less we climb to the top of the mound. Only to find our eyes could only glitter in astonishment. It was The ultimate base, the place where you could work, sleep and eat there all in one day. We grab our binoculars "My god. They've a hole city here" said my squadron member. The place had a launch pad, fuel factory, aircraft landing strips, hangers, testing bases and EVAN a power station, all complete with housing and food facilities.. All of he sudden the pitch black night sky became littered with endless rows of lights and Nazi marches. We had to find a way in, and the image we had been given from the reconnaissance imaging had shown there was a gate just north of us, it was a complicated but secure way in.

While walking we saw a AA den, we decide to take a look and see what we can find. Inside the bunker was a FLAK gun and one heavy machine gun. Aswell as some blueprints for Tiger II's, we took them and moved on... That's when we saw Ludolf. "Quick! Prepare for combat boys!" I say to the other 4 of my squad, I get right behind him and desperately try to slit the neck of the man. But for some reason I just couldn't, turned out he was always paranoid about this happening and always wore very thick clothing around him. Turned out his paranoia kept him alive for another minute. Without time to grab my gun, I desperately brawl the man punching him down to the ground and eventually, my squad member came over and put a bullet in his nazi obsessed mind. "Boys, we just killed one of Germany's best aces. Job well done." I say.

We manage to get to another bunker where we find a radio and some more weapon plans. I try to get in contact with the RAF "Roger, roger this is SAS group 1771 we are requesting a reply and update" luckily the Lancaster dropping us of had stayed around and picked up the message "Hello old boy, we've got some bad news for you. Tomorrow at 1AM British RAF Bomber command will be lighting this place up, turns out its a lot more serious than we initially thought. We recommend you get out of there as soon as you can, the missions been called off. I repeat, mission is called off!" The radio operator said. "NEGATIVE! We already are too deep in! We have to complete the mission! And no poxy bombing is gonna stop me from getting the Intel Britain and the allies desperately need!" I reply with. From 15,000ft he calls back saying "There's nothing we can do to prevent you. Good luck boys, I'll see you in time for tea" with all hope in full operation and belief of victory in full action. We storm on. This place would be the perfect death ground for all of us. I prepare the squad "Ready?" "Let's do this" another member replies with "Remember boys. If we die here tonight, we'll be remembered as heroes. For King and Country!" The entire squad shouts "V FOR VICTORY!" While doing the famous hand sign. We run as fast as our body's would humanly allow us, knowing we had little time left. We go in all guns blazing. We come right to the gate, officers scream warnings as we aim our weapons. We fire, taking all of them out in less than a second "C,MON. LETS GO!" We run again into the base, killing everyone in sight running through bullets of GERMAN guns and fire. I scream "IF WERE GONNA GO OUT. WERE GOING OUT WITH A BANG!" By this time it'd been so many hours it was time for the bombers to be here. We manage to get to Von Brauns office, the leader of the entire facility, and take ALL hes prototypes and blueprints. We were under heavy fire, and my squad smashes the windows to kill incoming Germans. We were now holding off our position. I reconnect on the Radio and speak "HELLO. THIS 1771, DO YOU COPY?!" They reply with "Roger that boys. The bombers are here. Nice to know your alive, now get out! Go! For the sake of all that's mighty get out and don't look back!" We defeat the incoming germans and escape the office, when outside we look out. "My god" I whisper under my breath. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Lancaster's cover the sky's. "Bombs away" I hear from the radio inside. Thousands of pounds of Bombs dropped on us without a second thought. We run for dear life, I look behind be to see one of my members being shot dead by german soldiers. I close my eyes and keep running. "CMON BOYS. RUN. RUN FOR ALL SURVIVAL AND COMMON SENSE!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I was surpised I didn't rip my voice box. I manage to escape out of the base with the 3 others, I look behind me to see only what looked like death. Death in the shape of fire, explosions and aircraft. For a second there I had a feel for poor Braun, years of research and work ruined in less than twenty-four hours. Amazing what you can do with a 20,000lbs bomb-load and 300 Lancaster's. We was picked up by a friendly American convoy and taken back to Britain. A fantastic day for the squad, apart from one. May he be remembered as a hero, warrior and a man full of courage and empty of fear.

Robert Taylor

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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