Chapter 11: Forging & Contract

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As the agent left the house I thought I would explore it a bit before setting up the Im going room to room I get a mental picture in my head and map out the whole place and before i got to the basement I snap my fingers and the whole house is furnished with very nice furnishings. When I head down to the basement I can see that it has some decent space adequate for all I need down here.

As I get a picture in my mind of how I want the forge room to look I snap my fingers and the forge room I pictured came out and it looks perfect. Next come what kind of weapon I want and what material I want it made out of. Because I don't want to go out to ask people what material is the strongest I will look into it through god's knowledge.

As I peer into god's knowledge I am greeted with an archive and its so big anyone who would read all this information would go crazy after reading it and would probably spend 400 years reading and still after reading it would keep growing. So I think about material and a big book appears before me and I flip to the metals page and found a metal called Renukaji. It appears black at a glance but when forged it turns into a beautiful silver but you can also keep its original color by tempering it with a blue flame.

I found what I wanted and then I go back to my body in the world and snap my fingers to get a big chunk of Renukaji to appear. As I start working on heating the forge I turn the flame from red and yellow to blue and white because I want to make the blade black. I add godly power to the flame to try to make it divine and it works now the flame is a dark blue and bright white. And now to start the forging.

After hours of work it is finally done. My blade is a blade from the edo time period of japan in my former world. The blade is called a katana, its shape and length makes it a light and swift blade that can kill someone in an instant. Now that the katana is made I want to make a sheath for it, making it out of a light balsa wood from this world then carving a protection circle on the base of it makes the once soft wood into a steal like wood and light. Now I will paint the sheath black to match the katana, and it's done. I mark my japanese name 陸 on the base of the blade and give the katana a name to make it official that it is indeed a part of me.

[I shall name you Jintō meaning divine sword]: riku

Then out of nowhere a bright light appears and covers the katana and starts to speak.

[thank you master I shall accept this name granted to me and server you forever]: Jintō

Well that was unexpected, well for now I will welcome him as part of my ensemble and cherish him for eternity.

[welcome to my family I will treat you like I would my real family and take you with me to every battle and I will win them with you]: riku

Now to check Jintō's status at a divine sword.

Name: Jintō

Level: 1

Reace: Divine Sword

Power: 3000

Atk: 10000


Magic: 10000

Equip Effect:

Sword control

Mana control

Intelligence boost

Wow Jintō's status looks completely different from if I appraise a human or demi-human, that must be because he is a sword not living being.

[master we must make a contract to seal the pact, let's do that now]: Jintō

[ok so I have to share my blood with you right?]: riku

[yes master seams knowledgeable about this hast he done this before]: Jintō

Well no I havent when I was in the Knowledge room it kinda came to me but I won't say anything about that.

[let's do the contract now ok]: riku

[ok master, share with me your blood down my blade]: Jintō

As I take Jintō and drag my finger on his sharp blade I make a big cut and draw my blood down the blade of Jintō. Another bright light emerges and when it is gone Jintō is now glowing with a divine aura and then he goes quiet and now I can only hear him in my head.

{master it worked now please take good care of me}: Jintō

As Jintō falls into my hand I put him in the hulster on the side of my hip and now I am free to do what I want and not be questioned on how I do it barehanded.

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