Chapter 21: Magic Exames

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[ok you guys have come so far this past year and now it's time for the magic exam. I am proud of each and every one of you for how far you have come]: riku

[thank you teacher, it is because of you that we could have come this far]: all students

It has been one full year since I have come to this school and the capital, over the year I have gotten a bunch of new students due to my teachings. And now is the magic exams to see if they pass to year three and if they do that then they can be considered full fledged magicians. As a graduation present I want to give them all something special and something a bit more special to the 6 that I originally had, maybe a class ring that I can enchant with special effects.

[now I have some good news and bad news to that lot of you prepare yourselves]: riku

[what is it teacher]: miko

[I will be leaving the school to continue my adventure, but I have taught you all with all the knowledge I could teach you the rest is up to you to figure out]: riku

As I told them that I will be leaving they all started to get emotional as to try to get me to stay.

[now do remember that I will always remember you guys and may come back after my journey is over but for now I must let you all take you own path]: riku

[Akiyama-sensi you were the turning point in my life, you made me realize what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be as strong as you]: kirito

[Kirito, you were the first student to have the balls to stand up to me even after you found out that I was your teacher, I like that about you. Do good on the exam and pass, when you do I will reward you all with class rings that are enchanted with a special enchantment just for you]: riku

That day I spent 3 hours after school to get info on all 27 of my students and when I got home I spent 6 hours making class rings from nothingness and from the highest material ever, Renukaji. As I finish the rings Jintō jumps in

{master you must really love these kids huh?}: Jintō

[yes I do they remind me of myself at their age so I want the best for them]: riku

{so is it ok for you to use that expensive material on rings that might get stolen or lost, or is there something to prevent that?}: Jintō

[you know I never thought if a theft prevention system, you really do surprise me you know Jintō]: riku

{as expected of master, still clueless as always}: Jintō

As I add a theft protection enchant to it I also change the color to a black for the boys and red for the girls.


[ok guys these are the people who passed the exam please stand when I call your name and come get your scores and ring]: riku

After 30 minutes of calling names and congratulating them on passing I look at them all and start to speak.

[you all have passed and made me happy enjoy your next teacher and your new ring it is made of a very expensive metal and enchanted to your qualities so take good care of it, the ring canot me stolen but you can sell it, if you decide to sell it you can but if you don't sell it you have something to remember me by. Cheers to you all and goodbye maybe we will see eachother after you graduate]: riku

After I finish my goodbye speech everyone in the class rushes up to me and hugs me tightly and refused to let go, after I use a bit of magical force to push them away I use a speed spell to vanish before their eyes and I could sense that they miss me already.

It is hard to leave them after so much bonding time but it's time for me to leave, now there is one more person I need to say my goodbyes to and that is Kaito.


When I get to the castle I head to Kaito's room but he's not there so I write a note and leave it on his desk, the letter reads as is.

Dear Kaito,

I am going on my journey again and can't have you stay with me forever, I wanna go out into the world and fight bigger and better monsters and clear out this world the best I can, I feel if I drag you along that you might get caught in one of my blasts and die. I don't want that to happen so I am going to leave you here do me a favor and take care of my students and teach them what I have taught you, and for the meantime I will be leaving to go far away. Hopefully I can see you again in another 10 years or something but don't fret because I will make you a weapon to remember me by and if you need contact me I made you a prototype of something I have thought about. You can contact me on it and I can reply back to you.

Sincerely- Riku

When I finished writing the letter I made a big double edged sword just like Kaito's old sword and didn't imbue any Divine power into it, I just made a Renukaji sword and added some basic enchantments to it like a sharpness boost and reinforcement buff so the sword is sharp and indestructible. This should suffice for that big oaf.

Next I took a handful of silver coins and molded them to about ¼ inch thick plate that's about 6 inches long. After the base of the phone is made I used my finger then sent a sharp spike of magic to it and inscribed some magic circles and formulas to better hold an enchantment then I enchanted it with telepathy.

After all of this was done I placed the note under the phone and lay the sword on the desk above were the letter was sitting. And walked out of the room, then set toward my room, when I got there the princess was waiting in my room looking through my stuff. Specifically my clothing.

[what are you doing here princess?]: riku

[oh!- oh no it was nothing I was just looking for you]: kiko

[you were looking for me in my dresser?]: riku

[no... I was- well- i'm sorry for going through your stuff]: kiko

[no it's ok- can you tell the king thanks for his hospitality for me]: riku

[what are you leaving?]: kiko

[yeah i'm leaving]: riku

[is it because you knew I would look through your clothing and sniff them?]: kiko

[um- no and I never knew that]: riku


It's kinda to late for that but I won't say anything.

[well i'm gonna pack my stuff and leave now, thank you for letting me stay here and also my dad will be staying here to protect the kingdom. Is that ok?]: riku

[yeah that's fine]: kiko

[well I guess this is goodbye for now I will come back in a few years]: riku

[well then- I wanna come with you]: kiko

[I'm going to go hunt dragons and the likes]: riku

[dr-dra-dragons?]: kiko

[yup you still wanna go with me?]: riku

[yes... I still wanna go with you because... because I love you Riku]: kiko

[haa?]: riku

[I love you, there I said it now do you love me too?]: kiko

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