Chapter 25: Another Time Skip

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It's been 9 years since Kiko and I have left the capital. Sora's training is coming to a complete, he has trained for 6 years everyday to perfect his swordsmanship and today I will take him to make his first sword and on his first hunt in the Death Forest.

[Sora my boy come with me, it's time to make your own sword]: riku

[ok dad, so how am I to make a sword?]: sora

[I will show you the basics and you will make your own sword with your own hands, the same way I was taught I will teach you]: riku

{that's kinda unfair because you have access to a god's smithing level}: Jintō

{no, I never used the god level smithing skill to make you I only used it when I instantly created weapons}: riku

{oh, so you created me with the knowledge that old man gave you that day?}: Jintō

{yup now, I will teach Sora the same basics I was taught}: riku

[now Sora this is what you need to know to smith a fine Weapon like Jintō here]: riku

After 3 hours of explanation and examples Sora finally got the gist of it and took it into his own hands to make his first weapon. After 2 hours and some failures Sora finally got a shape he liked in the blade. Next was the tempering and hardening of his blade, then comes the handle of the blade and then sharpening while finishing it by making a sheath for his new weapon.

The blade was a dark blue due to the material and tempering, the handel was painted black and wrapped with a blue laced cord the first traditional katana I have seen here. Sora must have gotten the idea from T.V., and the sheath was a midnight blue color. It's a fine sword fit for a warrior now I will take him to fight his first monster.

-Death Forest-

[ok Sora, when we leave the barrier we will no longer be safe from the monsters. Once we encounter a monster I will leave him to you and watch from afar if you need help I will assist you but any other interference from me will not happen good luck]: riku

[ok dad I think I got this I just have you use the moves you taught me right?]: sora

[yup, do your best]: riku

After I gave him my advice I disappeared into the tree line so that monsters would close in on Sora. with my power if I didn't leave the monsters would never come being to scared to move in the presence of me.

After about an hour Sora has already show how much he has grown with how many monsters he has killed. Sora is on a 56 kill streak of giga bears, one shoting all that come his way.thinking about how powerful Sora really is I look at his status

Sora Akiyama

Level: 1000

Race: God


Swords: God

Magic: God

Intelligence: God

Magic Power: Infinite

ACTIVE EFFECT: Son of a god of creation

With the power of a god and the god of creation

All status has a boost of God Level.

Wow for being 8 years old Sora is more powerful than the Demon Lord is in one finger I wonder if Sora can raise his level to God Level or is Level 1000 max? Well for now let's check out Sora's sword.


Atk: 560

Def: 560

Dur: 9999/10000

Did Sora not have the power to turn his weapon into a Divine Sword? Then it hit me I never taught him how to channel magic power into a weapon to bring it to life. I think I thought he would know how to but now I remember, I never told him he's a god.

For now I will leave it the way it is and looking at Sora's status he does not have immortality, so does he get it when he find out he's a god or when he wants immortality. Either way I don't want him to stop ageing until he want to.

Another hour goes by and Sora is looking to be board of these fights, should I bring him to a dragon's lair? No that's to dangerous right now maybe later.

[Sora, it's time to go home you pass you can take out well over 200 giga bear's with ease, giga bear's are A rank monsters there's not much that can beat you so there's no need to test it. Let's go home]: riku

[ok dad, also can we bring one of these home for dinner?]: sora

[sure let's grab it I heard they taste delicious]: riku

When we got home Kiko was waiting for us, when Sora seen her he dropped his sword and ran toward Kiko.

[Sora]: riku

[yeah?]: sora

[bam your dead, I just killed you because you lowered your guard by dropping your weapon stay alert next time]: riku

[yes dad]: sora

[huney why do you have to be so strict with him? He's still a kid]: kiko

[I am just preparing him for the world is all he will be a leader someday]: riku

[I know just be a bit more easy on him, ok?]: kiko

[yeah sure, let eat dinner then. Sora let's go]: riku

After dinner Kiko sets the bath for Sora then comes back into the kitchen and starts to talk with me.

[so... it's been 9 years]: kiko

[yeah 9 years has been a while, how do you think your dad Kaito and my students are doing?]: riku

[I don't know but we will know in another year]: kiko

[would you like to go back early then planned?]: riku

[let's wait until Sora's birthday comes up my dad would love to see him let alone on his 9th birthday]: kiko

[I just realized your dad don't even know he's a grandfather. How would he feel if we come back with a son?]: riku

[I think he would be excited and a bit mad we didn't come home sooner but he will have to deal with it]: kiko

[you know that when we go back we won't be able to us the T.V. as much]: riku

[... never mind I don't want to go back]: kiko

[hold on now I never said we wouldn't be able to use it at all, just not as much]: riku

[ok that's better]: kiko

There is 7 more weeks until Sora's 9th birthday on his birthday we will teleport to the capital and go into the castle to say hi to everyone as a surprise.

-Birthday Morning-

I get the family ready and put the house into a spatial magic so as to not lose the house and teleport to the main gate of the capital. As we walk to the gate someone stopped us at if thinking we were suspicious.

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