Love me Mono

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It's 4am. My dark room's peaceful silence is broken by my phone's ringtone blaring out and breaking my sweet dreams.

With a groan, I snake out an arm from underneath the blanket's warmth towards my bedside table. Fumbling around a bit, I found the origin of disturbance. Too lazy to check the name I put it to my ear and murmured out a pretty irritated "What?".

A deep chuckle was heard on the other end. Of course, it would be him. Of all the people in Seoul, sleeping at 4am like normal, he'll be the only one wide awake and daring enough to call me up.

"I guess I woke you up. Sorry?" the voice says, clearly not sorry.

"It's 4am, just why?" I managed to make a clear sentence in my half-asleep state.

"Just come to the studio as soon as you wake up Y/N. I need to show you something. For now, just go back to sleep. Ok?" he says.

" Hmmm. I'll be there." I mumbled.

" Sleep well, babe." I could see him smiling as he says that and cuts the call.

' I wonder what it is this time.' I whisper into the darkness of the room.

Next thing I know, bright light is streaming in through the curtains with the chatter of the shops opening up for the day.

Getting ready, I make sure to pick a full sleeve shirt that'll cover my freshly decorated arms. And some extra concealer under the eyes to hide those dark circles that came along with my insomnia. I cannot let him know that I'm slipping back into that darkness. He has worried enough about me. 7 years of worrying. No more. He has to prioritize his career over me.

Getting down from the bus, I look up at the huge company building that they recently moved into. A huge upgrade from when they started off. I snapped out of my daydreaming when a guy bumped into me so hard that I fell down. Pain shot up my right palm, adding onto the pain from the fresh cuts of last night.

With a heated "Watch it!", the office worker picked up his case and went along his way in a fast walk, typing away furiously on his phone.

I sat there dumbfounded and disoriented till it got to me that people were staring. Quickly getting up and brushing myself off, I made my way into the building. The usual mob of fangirls are already here at the front entrance so I make a detour for the staff entry. I take out the special visitor card that he got made for me when the company increased the security around them due to their popularity. As I swiped the card at the gate and waited for the face recognition to give me the signal to go ahead, another thought popped into my head.

I'm not worthy of this special privileges that he had to go out of his way for. There might be someone else or a dedicated super fan who would die to have this. And here I am. A non-significant person holding onto such a big thing.

My train of thought was broken when the facial recognition camera gave a beep to go ahead. I went inside with a heavy sigh and a heavier heart.

'Should have taken double the dose for the meds in the morning Y/N.' The ever-present voice in my mind speaks out. Regret and Anxiety come along for the ride.

Great. Right when I had to see him.

Going past the reception I nod at Lia, the old sweet receptionist. She chirps back a quick "Good morning Y/N!" with a smile before going back to attending the various calls that the company receives.

It's 8 am in the morning. Who'd be calling in now? I think on my way to the lifts.

Pressing the button for the 15th floor, I prepare myself to look happy for him. Just like I've been doing for the past 7 years. But then again whenever I am with him I do get genuinely happy and all my thoughts are gone.

Love Me Mono - BTS Namjoon OneShot Imagine #1Where stories live. Discover now