p.p | run

50 1 0

you should probably learn to run away from danger, not towards it.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: usual violence, this guy is very persistent, one or two swears, oops. let me know if any of you guys want me to write a part two to my fics!

Where was the fun in life? What's so interesting about the same old routine every day?

Get up. Get ready for school. Go to school. Come home. Do homework. Have dinner. Go to sleep. 

And then the cycle repeats.

To be honest, you were kind of jealous of the Spider-man. The 'friendly, neighbourhood Spider-man', who had more adventure in one day than you'll ever have in your entire life. What you would give to be able to do what he does: saving people, hunting things, superhero business. 

Or, as you'd rather call it; the Avengers Agenda. 

Ha. Basically a comedian.

"Miss Y/L. Are you paying attention?" Your physics teacher pulls you out of your thoughts. Confused, you take a moment to read the board that had a velocity question scrawled over it in messy blue pen. 
"Thirty two metres per second." You hear a soft whisper behind you, and so you echo without missing a beat. 

"Correct. You'd better thank Mr Parker behind you for saving you a detention," She says, turning back to the board as the entire class sits in stunned silence. Heat rushes up to your cheeks and you glance over your shoulder to the shy boy who sits behind you. He smiles sheepishly. You give him a smile and mouth 'Thanks,' before turning back to the front and waiting for your chair to swallow you whole. You could have sworn that your classmates kept sneaking glances at you during the rest of the class to see how you were coping with the humiliation. 

Thankfully, that was the last class of the day, and you were out the door as soon as the bell rang. Breathing a sigh of relief once you exit the building, you walk slowly on your way home, thoughts drifting back to what you were wondering in Physics. And then, Peter Parker. 

Sure, it was nice of him to save your ass, but you've never spoken to him before. He could have just stayed silent. Maybe he saw that you just weren't paying attention and he's just a nice guy? You like to think it was the latter.

Feeling the gentle but warm breeze across your face as you walked made you smile. You felt quite alone today because you left your headphones at home, and you usually listen to a podcast or music while walking. But today you can appreciate the afternoon - It's the small things that count.

While walking, you hear a sharp popping sound, almost like a miniature explosion, from between two apartment buildings. Looking in front and behind you, you're certain that nobody is around. So, you jog into the alley. 

As you get further and further in, you begin to see faint beams of purple light coming from deep in the piles of bagged garbage. Your heart picks up. This has to be it, right? Your big moment as a hero. 

Woah. Don't get too ahead of yourself, Y/N. You don't even know what it is yet. 

Even though you're not too fond of touching dirty and unknown pieces of garbage, you pull two bags aside, and marvel at the small purple orb. It's glowing. Literally. Literally glowing. 

"Oh my god," You feel giddy with excitement and carefully pick up the object, expecting it to maybe feel hot. But no. It's slightly cold to the touch, which makes you glad that you haven't burned your fingers. 

You pocket the object and run out of the alleyway whilst feeling very pleased with yourself. Once you figure out what this thing can do, the possibilities could be endless! Maybe this day could be appreciated a little more, and you can forget the embarrassing physics class from earlier.

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