p.p | news flash

26 3 2

*based on the marvel's spider-man video game*

imagine meeting new york's spider-man in a sticky situation.

word count:1616


The sound of your footsteps are thankfully muffled by the grass, and you're also hidden by the darkness that surrounds you. For this story, you have to gather your information at night, where less Sable agents are on guard in the compound, and you can easily sneak past them.

Your news story: Why were these mercenaries suddenly everywhere, plaguing the city? And why do you have such a bad feeling?

The journalist job description never mentioned anything about risking your life for a story to save your job, but your job at the Daily Bugle was competitive, to say the least. And now, you were in a journalism arms race with somebody else - if they get this promotion instead of you, you lose your entire position. 

Pressing the red button on your voice recorder, you slip the device back into your jacket pocket. While eavesdropping on two guards having a break, leaning against a stationary Sable truck, you gather that Norman Osborne hired them all in fear of his safety due to the new demons around. 

That sounds legit, you think. But why is he so worried about himself? Surely these demons aren't solely targeting him, right?

Maybe they are - which means you have to partake in more espionage to find out why. After all, maybe Spider-man reads the Daily Bugle; he could use this kind of information. 

So, you sneak past the break guards into forbidden territory. You duck behind huge Sable crates and knock boxes off of them, the clatter! distracting guards away from your route. You spot a group of five, maybe six agents in a group, standing around a laptop. Possibly a meeting, as one member of the group is directly addressing the others.

Sneaking past two more guards, you settle behind a crate next to the wall of the compound, adequate cover from in front and behind you. The cool surface of it presses against your back as you listen in.

"Osborn's given us the thumbs up to attack Spider-man on sight. He blames the guy for releasing Devil's Breath. He is now officially a fugitive." 

Your jaw hangs open. Really? They've only been in the city for five minutes and they're already targeting the one guy who tries to keep the peace? Anger infects all the rational thought in your brain - Spider-man is a good guy, you know so many people who have been saved by him. You know, being an interviewer for this kind of this is helpful.

"Any ideas on how to track him down?" A different agent asks.
"Yeah, here." As you're not looking over the crate, you can only assume that the first agent pointed to a location on the laptop.

"How do we know that he'll be there?"
"Some algorithm used street cameras to identify his usual route. He'll swing by." You shudder, hoping that whenever this plan is supposed to happen, Spider-man is prepared for it.

"What if he doesn't?"
"Spider-man always has a soft spot for civilians. We could go out there, rough 'em up a little bit." Your hands gather into fists as you fight the urge to blow your cover and start punching. How dare they think this is fair? Your mind races with ideas of what they could do with their powerful guns and technology, when the idea of breaking the Spider-man algorithm crosses your mind. 

Maybe you could delete the- "Well, it must be a sign! There's a civilian right here!" 

You blink in surprise, your heart skipping a beat when you see a Sable agent right in front of you, gun aimed at your head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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