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Emily- The daughter of Dennis Max and Mrs Grace. The heiress to D.M firm.

Vin- The son of Gerald Jay, an inquisitive creature.

Cara- Emily's adopted sister. Fire and ice. Goal-oriented.

Mercy- Mrs Grace's PA

Eddy- Emily's Personal Driver

Jack-  Cara's Boy toy and henchman.

Mrs Grace- Chairwoman to D.M

Dennis Max- President of D.M

Gerald Jay- Chief Secretary to Dennis Max

Martin- Managing director at the D.M's firm.

Happy- An AI. Emily's robot assistant.

Mrs Even- Orphanage

Martha- (late) Was a live-in housemaid in the Dennis Mansion.

Disclaimer: This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, businesses, incidents and locations are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual person living or dead, locals, or events is entirely coincidental.


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