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I just have that feeling. The feeling something bad is going to happen. It happened in Iraq when we got influx of soldiers after a gassing incident.

I decide to go to work anyways. Ellis was on call last night, so I slept alone. I toss on my scrubs, grab my phone, and head out the door. Harriet and Ruby are riding with me today. They're chatting up a storm, and I just want it to be quiet, but I dont tell them.

We get to the hospital, and I head off. I'm on Neuro today. I make my way to the lab space. Its eerily quiet. Suddenly my pager goes off, echoing through the empty halls. It's to the lab. I walk faster, eventually getting there. I knock, and Amelia opens the door and ushers me in. "Why is everyone being so secretive?" I ask.

"Lockdown. They found someone suspicious with a gun." Zola says. She sounds scared. Suddenly, it feels as though my senses are sharpened. I realize I dont know where Ellis is.

"Does anyone know where Ellis is?" I try to ask calmly. It must not come out sounding calm, because what Amelia says is not what someone would say to a calm person.

"Relax Cowboy, you are not going out there." She says in a stern tone.

"If she got shot..." I trail off.

"She'll be fine. She knows what's going on." Amelia reasures me. I still dont feel too good though. What if something happened and I dont know? I slump against the wall on the side of the lab. We sit for a few minutes, quietly discussing procedures, when I hear something that sounds like a gunshot. I hear the bullet rattle to the ground.

"Woah." Amelia looks out the small window. Her face pales. "Oh my god. Alex." She says. I shoot up off the floor.

She opens the door and we both run out, to find Alex lying on the floor, hand on his leg.

"Shot in the femural artery. We have to get him to an OR now. " Amelia takes charge. We get a spare gurney that's in the hall, and both of us get him on the gurney. We walk quietly down the hallway. It's eerily quiet and dark. Just then, a door opens on my right. Right next to my arm.

I jump away. The person presents themselves. "I'll take it from here." It's Ellis. "I don't let second year residents do thus kind of stuff." She says. Ellis is a fifth year. She takes her boards in a month.

I am so relieved that I back away. Ellis takes my spot. "We'll be in OR 3 if you need anything."

I turn to go back to lab, and I spot someone at the end of the hallway. I press my back up against the door.

"Relax. It's me." It's Cristina. "I need you to come with me. We need to find Meredith and Alex."

"Alex is... he's been shot. They're taking him to OR 3." I say.

"Then we're going to find Meredith." She grabs my arm and we walk stealthily through the halls. Suddenly, I hear another gunshot. Cristina pulls me into a supply closet.

"What is happening?" I hear Meredith say from the back.

Cristina jumps. "Oh my god. Mer, you scared me."

"Who is shooting the hospital?" She asks.

"I don't...Yes I do." Cristina responds. "It's Shane. Shane Ross. He's looking for me."

My head snaps up. "He's gonna pick off your friends one by one until he gets to you. He already got Alex." I say.

"What? What the hell! Leo, please tell me that Alex isn't dead." Meredith says. I can see the pleading in her eyes.

"My mom and Ellis took him to surgery. Shot in his femural artery. I don't know what condition he's in." I say, much to Meredith's dismay.

"Leo, I need you to go tell me how Alex is doing, Then come back here." Cristina says. I nod. I know when to be safe and when to take risks. I was in Iraq for two months.

I creep out into the hallway and check to make sure nobody is coming. When the coast is clear, I head off to the OR floor.

Every once in a while I hear gunshots, but they're a floor above. I walk faster, eventually reaching OR 3. Harriet is sitting on the floor underneath the scrub sink. "I wanted to help. They told me to stay here to keep watch." She says.

My eyes drift up to the OR. "Yeah. You stay here. I'm going to see if they need help." I say.

"Leo!" Ellis cries out. Shane Ross is standing next to her, threatening to shoot her if she doesn't stop operating.

"If you shoot her, I will kill you." I growl. Shane turns to me, his eyes dark with hatred, gun pointed directly at me.

"Don't shoot either of them." Amelia pipes up. "If you're going to shoot someone, shoot me. They still have lives to live."

"Tell me where Cristina is and I won't shoot any of you." Shane says calmly.

"Supply closet near the peds floor." I blurt. Shane smiles and leaves.

Ellis and Amelia continue to operate. "If that's actually where she is..." Amelia trails off.

"No. It's not. I paged someone outside to notify the cops. They know where he's going." I say.

Suddenly, Alex's heart monitor begins beeping like crazy. "Leo, get in here."


He's going to be fine. Because Ellis is a damn fine trauma surgeon and saved his life.

Cristina, Amelia, Meredith, Ellis and I watch as they hauled Shane off. Cristina's face has relief written all over it.

We linger in the waiting room while Cristina and Ellis report what happened to the police.

After several minutes, it's finally over. No more lockdown. The hospital returns to its usual business, but cautiously. I still can't shake the feeling something bad has happened.

"We need to make sure all the surgeons are okay. Meredith, you should call an attending meeting." Amelia says.

The four of us walk up to the conference room, and Meredith calls a meeting. Sofia, Arizona, Bailey, Andrew, Callie, Levi, Nico, Zola, Tuck, and April file in. April, Tuck, Nico and Levi are crying. Callie and Arizona keep exchanging looks.

After most if the people arrive, I still don't see Cheif Bailey.

"Where's Cheif Bailey?" Cristina asks.

"You didn't hear?" Levi says, his voice small. I watch as Nico places a hand on his shoulder. "Bailey got shot."

I watch as eight heads look up at the same time. The only person who doesn't look up is Tuck. I gasp. "Oh my god. No." I whisper.

We sit in silence for three minutes, hands folded, praying.

"We have to pick and Interim Cheif." Callie says.

"There's no doubt about who it'll be." April says.

"Meredith?" Cristina says softly, looking into her eyes. "It's you."

"Excuse me?" Meredith says, jolting out of her trance. "I'm not, I can't do that." She says.

"It's mutual. It's always been you." Amelia says quietly.

It's always been you.


I hope you liked this one. I start school in two days, so I would like to let you know I'm probably not going to stop writing. Writing this story makes me happy and makes me not have to think about school.

Im not saying I'm stopping it, but the chapters might become inconsistently updated, or slower because I, being the freshman genius I am, decided to take an AP class. :)

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