Chapter 1- 4 Intro

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Chapter 1: High school begins~

"Its my first day at high school and i have to be  nice and make a good impression like my dad said *sigh* " Said Aiki quietly by herself.

Aiki eneterd her new high school ;Higashikuni high school . She looked around amazed at the school and how big it was.

Some school girls" Ekk!~ i wonder what class im in ......Lets see Yay! Im im 8a with you Ari!"

Aiki glanced across to the pinboard and she saw,also she was in class 8a.

Speaker "All new yr 8 students please walk across the oval to the White hall so we can commance our opening of the new year."

Aiki did what she was told and as she was walking to the hall she bumped and then fell into a cute and handsdome guy.

"Sorry ,are you okay?"

"Im fine. Leave me alone"

"Ahha that good to hear! My name is  Riku Itagaki from class 8a .Nice to meet you !"

Aiki said nothing but walked quickly to the hall.

"Whats wrong with her "One of Riku's friend asked.

Riku also said nothing and walked behind Aiki.

Chapter 2: The talk

"Welcome everyone to a new year at Higashikuni high school ,I am  Headmaster Kashino and i wont talk anymore as i will hand over to Sensei Hanaki  to read out your classes just in case you hadnt yet known."

" Okay everyone listen carefully for your name and classes, starting with class 8a : Taninori Hideko,Aoki Rie,Kawasumi Mie,Kokoro Ishikawa, Aiki Hayata,Riku Itagaki, ~........"


"Aiki Hayata, sounds like a pretty cool name i wonder who that is " Wondered Riku aloud

"Thats me you idiot " said Aiki who seems to be standing next to him

"Oh soo ur Aiki ! thats means We're in the same class! Lets have a great year together."

"There is no 'together' in my world"

"Oh come on * Ruffling Aiki's hair* smile and be happy, there's a big world in front of us"


"Wow she really has a problem" said one of Riku's friends again

"Ahah shes a cute one" Riku smiled.

Chapter 3 :Classroom begins with intros and team work

Aiki walked madly to class 8a and chose a table right at the back of the classroom where no one can tease her or make fun of her. Riku to enetered the classroom and suprisingly sat next to Aiki giving her a quick Wink. Aiki turned a bright colour of peach and looked away.

"Okay everyone settle down now .I will be your teacher for the year , Kataoka -Sensei. We will begin with self introductions and do some group work"

As soon as Aiki heard the work 'group' millions of memories from the past flied through her head.

"So lets start with Aoki Rie,"

"Hello everyone! Im Aoki Rie and I want to make my first year at Higashikuni high a fun one! "

Boys in the back " Shes cute!!! , such a beautiful smile "

"Next  Riku Itagaki."

" Huh? right introductions.., Riku Itagaki the name and I want to be elected to be the sports caption for 8a this year !"

Girls " Omg sooo tall cute and handsome !!!ekkkk!~~~~ I want to go out with him!!!"

"Ahah popular with the girls as always Riku" Laughed Ren quietly .

" *Sigh* just let me live a life " said Riku yawning as the other introductions were about to be finished.

"Okay next Aiki Hayata"

" Ohayou gozaimasu (good morning in jap) I am Aiki Hayata and i want to be left alone where no one can tease me " said Aiki and sat down .

"Shes cold and weirdd...."  the class whisper but of course Aiki didnt care.

"Now that we finished our introductions i want to do some group or partner activity. First please chose a partner the opposite gender of you, Go!"

Girls running up to Riku " Do you want to be my parnter? Can you be my partner ? No no no please pick me Riku ! Me! Me!Me!

"Hey hey i got a partner already " grabbing Aiki's hand like he owns her or something

The other girls death glared Aiki except for some other girls in the corner of the classroom smiling sweetly.

"What the hell do you think you are doing grabbing my hand like that?!" Aiki shouted furiously

"Well i had to grab you to become my partner so that i dont get attacked by monkeys :P " Riku laughed cheekly.

" ARGH!!!!"

" When everyone finished picking their partners please get to know each other and  oh i fogot to tell you this is the partner you will still with until the end of the year and this will be your end of year partner you will be dancing with at the end of the year!"

"You frekin serious??? Argh ! Any one but this dude! "

"Hey its going to be fun!~ Whats soo bad about me? Im handsome and a pretty good partner for you :P"

"You know what? Im leaving!!!"

"Wait! Aiki!!!! Nvm....."

 Chapter 3:

 "Wheres a place where i can hide....hmm over that tree."

"Aiki!!Sorry!! Please forgive me !! Where are you?"

Aiki didnt respond and hid quietly

*ruffle in behind the tree*

"Hello?Whos that?" Riku crept quietly to seee who it is and then "Boo ,foundya Aiki" ,he smiled so kindly and cute Aiki couldnt help but stared at him .She stopped and blush when she noticed what she was doing."W-why are you here?" "Im here to find you of course" Replied Riku."Why did you need to find me? Im no one special and i should be left alone." Aiki said sadly. "I like you Aiki so i came to find you." Aiki couldnt speak at all.She stared at Riku intensly and started blushing soo much she thought she was going to be teased soon. Riku and her stared at each other like love at first sight but except he made the first move. He grabbed her shoulders hugged her, pulling her into his big wide arms. Aiki started getting hot and started sweating, she was soo close to Riku she could hear his heart beat ."As soon as Riku let her go, she couldnt help but with all the thoughts and words Riku said, she fainted.

Chapter 4:The school rest room

"Huh ?where am i? what happend?" Aiki blinked slowly asking the person beside her. "You fainted Aiki because you have a fever" Replied Riku kindly. Aiki sat up immdiately as she hear whoese voice it was. "W-Why are youl here Itagaki?" "Well i carried you uhere after you fainted air head " Pushing Aiki's head softly. " Aiki looked down feeling ashamed of herself and quietly said "Thank You Itagaki" "No need to thank me i was actually quite happy to do it ^^ and dont call me Itagaki anymore call me Riku"Aiki blushed as she heard Riku's word and smiled to herself. "I'll stay here until you get better okay?" "No Im fine now ill go back to class" Aiki replied heavily. "Are you sure? Ill carry you if you want !" Said cheeky Riku. Aiki smashed Riku with her pillow and said" Get a life Riku " also now laughing for the first time in her life.

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