Chapter 6 -7

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Chapter 6: The next day at school..

"Omg i heard Riku got a girlfriend!!!!? Who is it???Who is it?? "The girls in the school asked Ren *one of Riku's close friend) impatiently  .

"Calm downn!!!!!Gosh seriosuly, its Aiki Hayata okay? now leave me alone!" Ren replied back angrily.

there was silence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

"OMFG HOW CAN IT BE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? The girls asked madly. "SHES COLD AND SOO WEIRD"

Aiki and Riku walked into the classroom hand in hand until Aiki saw the girls staring madly at Her, she let Riku's hand go and walked to her desk .Riku said he needed to go to the Gym so then he left her alone with the angry girls (monkeys as Riku called them).

"What do you think you're doing with OUR Riku???" Threatned  a girl named Momo.

Aiki stayed silent.

"You're not going to answer ,are you? " Said Momo again but a little more angry this time.

"Tell us WHY DID YOU TAKE OUR RIKU AWAY???" Momo shuoted furiously this time pushing Aiki desk and books on the floor.

The other girls joined in shouting and pushing and kicking Aiki and she bent down to pick up her belongings.

Everyone stopped when they heard a shout "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO AIKI???" Coming from Riku's voice.

"err..I-ii.....No.. S-she...." Momo stuttered as she didnt know what to say.

"YOU ! NEVER TOUCH AIKI AGAIN!!!!"Riku shouted furiously making the girls step back 2 metres.

"Lets go Aiki" said Riku gently, taking Aiki's hand and leading her under the sakura tree.

As they both sat down under the Sakura tree, Ren asked gently "Is this the first time you've been bullied Aiki? "

"It isnt.... Im fine im used to it anyways" Wiping her tears that came out suddenly.

"Aiki, if theres ever a problem ,ever, i will be there, i will not let you get hurt by anyone." Riki protecting Aiki

"Thank You Riku....once again " Aiki said looking down at her feet .

They both said nothing for a while but Riku took Aiki's shoulders and hugged her tightly and then kissed her forehead with the soft lips of his.

 Chapter 7: New friends

The next day Riku had to prepare to be elected to be sports captain so Aiki was left alone again.

But this time nothing bad happen to Aiki, No Momo, No angry Girls.

"Hayata-kun ~~ " Called  Aoki Rie from Aiki's class. Aoki Rie had shoulder length hair which was straight and clipped up her fringe with kawaii hair accessories and always wanted to be Aiki's friend since she first saw Aiki.

" Aoki Rie ?" Aiki said in a weird voice.

"I heard Riku is not going to be here so i was wondering..... if you wanted to hang out with me ! ^^ " Aoki Rie happliy said.

"Im fine. I dont need any friends. " Aiki said , turning back to her cold hearted self.

" Aww come on Hayata-kun  you can't always be like this! Dw im not like Momo or anything ! Ill help you what ever you need" Aoki Rie kindly added on .

"But...i don't understand...Why do you want to be friends with me ? Everyone says im weird. " Aiki said a little louder than a whisper.

" Here, Hayata-kun." Aoki Rie taking Aiki's hand and squeeze it . " I saw that you were someone who needed a better life. A happy one. I know that Riku means a lot to you but what if he isnt there one day? Poof! He's gone? What are you going to do? Sit there and cry? Be cold hearted? You need friends Hayata-kun . And hopefully that would be, Me." Aoki Rie sweetly said to Aiki, making  Aiki feel like a different person."So wanna hang out with me? " Aoki Rie crossed her fingers and toes hoping for the right answer .

" .......... You know what , Thank You Aoki Rie............Lets hang out together ." Finally Aiki replied.

"YIPEEEEE~~~~LLALALALAL~~~~~ Opps , okies lets go watch Riku-Kun do his captain speech Aiki ! " Aoki Rie said excitingly as she made a new friend and if you noticed she got so comfortable with Aiki she used her first name !

"Hehe lets go ." Aiki smiled and Aoki Rie took hooled Aiki's arm into hers .

___________________________________ Captain speech's

"Okay everyone We will now elect the yr 8 sports captain for the year!" Hanabusa -Sensei announced."First up Shou !"

" Hello everyone !! I Am here to make YOU vote for ME to become Sports captain of the year!  I have trained to be experts in most sports going from swimming, tennis,golf,basketball,soccer. If you vote for me ill....ill.....oh yeh thats right.. ill promise you the best sports year ever!!!!

Crowd" *clap* WOOHOOO GO SHOU!!!!"

Aoki Rie :"What a douche trying to be like Riku-kun ~Shheesh , Aiki you have to cheer hard for Riki okay? "

Aiki "Sure thing :)"

"Its Your guy, its my favourite student, its RIKU !!!!!"


"Ahah Calm down everyone ! I want to be elected in sports captain this year to make my girlfriend proud!"

" Omg Hes talking about you !!! Kawaiii~~" Aoki Rie screamed softly

Aiki turned bright pink as usual and smiled at Riku.

"All you guys need to know is that i love sports and i want to show you how good of a sports captain i am!!" Riku shouted loudly into the microphone.

crowd " AHAHHHHHHHH!~~~~~~ GOOO RIKU~~~~~~~"

Voting time _______________

"And the winner this year for Sports captain is .......... RIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The crowd went mad carrying Riku around and passing him onto others until he stopped, jumped off  right in front of Aiki.

Aiki was speechless proud of her boyfriend but all she did was hugg him tighly telling him that she was proud .

"I hope i made you proud Aiki." smiled Riku

"You did. " Smiled back Aiki

_____________________--- "SUCH A CUTE COUPLE!!!!~~~~ AIKI ~~~ UR SOO CUTEE!~~~" Aoki Rie shouted .

"Oh its Aoki Rie , you're friends with her now Aiki?"

"Yup^^and im proud to be her friend" Aiki replied back.

Aiki is very happy today and lets hope she will go one being happy !

But then that afternoon before hometime ...Aiki one day overheard some girls saing that Riku is basically ....err..... a...Playboy. Pretends to love that girl and ends up dumping her. Well Aiki was horrified when she heard that was thinking " Is that what he is doing to me?"  She quietly answered herself "Maybe ...its true..." and walked home quietly without Riku and even when he called her , she ignored and turn of her phone..... What will happen to Aiki?   :O

AHAH! unexpected Twist :P

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