8. A sudden date

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I went to work today as usual, catching a ride with Hyun. Today felt diffrent but I couldnt figure out why, so I just chose to forget about and go on as always. When I walked into the room, Kim pulled me aside and asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him on saturday. I was shocked but told him that I would go. That day, when I was whith him for the english, he would talk to me about the date in english. I could somewhat see Hyun listening in on our conversation. At days end, Me and Hyun went home together to study. He asked what date I was talking about to Kim, and I told him, that Kim was taking me some where. I saw him wear the mask again. When he went home, I felt strange, like somethink is about to happen, something big. I went to bed with thoughts of the date tommorw.


She is going on a date with KimBum and she was planning it all day with him! It was already Saturday and she was supposed to meet him today. I waited all day thinking about the things he might do to her. While I was thinking about it. A knock at the door brings me back to reality. When I open the door, I see my ex girlfriend, shelby standing there. She smiles sweetly and asks to come in. She sits on the couch tells me that she moved to America after I broke up with her, and when she found out that I moved here too, she came to ask to get back together. I told her that i did not and she gave me a look that said, i will make you love me again. She stayed over until about 5 o'clock and left when i told her that i had tutoring. While I was gathering my things so I could go study, i saw Kang hye peering into the house. When she saw me, she hurried into her home.


When I went on my date, Kim took me to the Shed Aquarium, at the aqarium we saw so many pretty fish that I could hardly remember the name of one. There was also a gift shop with the cutest nicknaks, I saw a really cute purse with fish ornaments on it. Kim saw me looking at it and offerd to buy it for me. I told him that is was okay but before leaving I went to the bathroom and when I came out I saw kim stnding by the gift shop. Then he took me shopping at Woodfield mall, we went to so many shops just to window shop. We evn past this relly cool cafe called rainforest cafe, he didnt ask if I wanted to eat there so I asumed that he had something else planned. After, he took me to a Chinese restraunt called Kow Kow. When we walked in, a teenager showed us our seats, he seemed about 14 or 16 maybe. He told us that a waiter would be with us shortly and tht he would recomend the egg rolls. The meal was fabulous and I got a take out menu since I was sure I would be coming back soon. Right before we left, he gave me a package with the purse from the aquarium. I couldn't help but remember that this was the same way that Hyun gave me the necklace. The very one I'm wearing now, I pushed the memory to the back of my mind since I was on a date with someone else. After lunch, we went to the movies, we decided to watch maleficent. The movie was amazing and a very unique take on sleeping beauty. By the time we left it was about 4:30 pm. He drove me home, and when I got put of the car and started to walk, I saw a woman sitting with Hyun on the couch with his back turned towards me, and... he was kissing her! She left after and I just stood there completely dumbfounded. He saw me and looked me in the eye as if to say why are you looking into my house? I was so embarrassed that I ran into my house. A few minutes later, he knocked on my door for tutoring. When he came in, he studied me for a few seconds trying to figure out what was wrong I presume. We studied as usual and he went home after dinner. As I was getting ready for bed, I couldn't help but wonder who that was.

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