32. This is the end

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A/N: okay guys, so I'm going to fast forward it a bit. I hope it's okay with you. BTW, pic of Kwangmin on the side. Time for you to get reading, so...

-Moena_Writes out! Peace ✌

Fast forward to august

Now it August, and KimBum is comming in. I really want to go to him, but today I'm supposed to meet Kwangmin after so long. To be honest, I'm a little scared. I don't know if I still have feelings for him, but I have a boyfriend. I was deep in thought when I heard the door open. I looked up, and saw a tall brunette walk in. I was going to ask my maid who is was, when i caught his eyes. All I had to do was look into his chocolate brown eyes and I knew they were the eyes that would melt my heart. He smiled and my heart fluttered. Why is it fluttering? I have a boyfriend!

"Anyo, Kwangmin oppa."

"Im very sorry, but,do I know you already?"

"Yes oppa, don't you remember me? I'm Lily's sister, Kesha"

"Whose Lily?"

"Lee Kang Hye."

"Wait....Little Kesh?" He replied while looking more closely at my face.

"Yup. That's me."

"Wow, you look so diffrent now. You're so pretty, and grown up now. "

"Uh, yea. Thanks......You do realize why your here right?"

"I'm supposed to meet my fiancé here....ohh."

"Yea. That would be me, but look, I have a boyfriend."

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"Just act like my boyfriend until I have a plan. Please oppa!" I begged him using my aegyeo.

"Adaso. Damn it, you know I can't resist the aegyo."

"Thank you oppa!"

"By the way, I'm supposed to take you on a date today. And I overheard your dad tell one of his guys to follow us just to make sure."

"What is wrong with him?! Okay, fine. Besides, what's the chance of my boyfriend seeing us?"

"Okay, let's go then. " He smiled and I felt butterflies. Ugh! What's wrong with me?! We walked to his car and hoped in. He drove us to a nice park to walk round. We both got out and started to walk around. I turned around for a second and caught a glimpse of the man that was following us. I wispered it to Kwangmin and he slipped his hands into mine. I felt heat in my cheeks as we walked on. We passed a churrio stand and I begged for one. Kwangmin chuckled and bought me one. We sat on a bench as I ate.

"Omo, this is so good." I commented

"Really?" He questioned and then took a bite off the top.

"Yah! Why you do that?"

"Because 1, i wanted to try, and 2, the guy is talking on the phone and eyeing us."

"Fine" I replied as I happily ate my churrio. As I was finishing up, I heard someone call my name. I turned around looking for the voice when I spotted KimBum. I ran up to him and tried to give him hug, when he shrugged me off.

"Wae, oppa?"

"Wae? WAE?! Your cheating on me! I can see, you know. I'm not blind!"

"Oppa, let me explain!"

"What's there to explain? Your laughing and having a good time with that guy, and holding hands with him too!"

"But oppa-"

"Don't! Just, never contact me again."

I couldn't believe it. That was so mean. My eyes began to water,tears threatening to pour down my face. I was sure they would fall any second, but they didn't. I felt arms around me, and when I turned I saw Kwangmin there. "Shhh. Shh. It's okay. Don't cry. It's okay. I'm here for you." He cooed. His voice soothed me. I stopped sniffling and pulled away to see Kwangmin's worried face.

"I'm fine oppa...and...I think I will go ahead with the arranged marrige if you will...Then dad will be happy...and I'll be happy too."


Hey guys! Did the title fool you? Did you think it was the end of the story? Nope! Not even close. I've a lot more fun planed. Muhahahahaha! Lol. Okay,

And please remember, I love every single one of you that has stuck with me this far, and I hope you will stay with me till the end. Okay, gotta go chillax. Byeeeee✋✋✋✋✋

-Moena_Writes out! Peace ✌!

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