24. A day After

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I woke up this morning and I was suprised Hyun didn't come to get me. Then a thought popped into my head. He is known as the god of sleep, maybe he's still sleeping. I thought for a minute before getting dressed. I went downstairs and started the coffee and watched 'Thank you for waking me up' on YouTube for Ideas of how to wake him up. Then I decided to jump on him and throw ice cubes down his shirt, and If that didn't work, I'll sprit him with water. I finished my coffee and went next door. I walked into the kitchen and nd got a bowl of ice. Then I walked up stairs and crept into his room. He was sound asleep, and just like in the show, he was wearing kiddie pj bottoms. I took a pic first and backed up from the bed and put my phone on the dresser and the ice on the side of the bed. I ran and jumped on his stomach with no reaction. I then grabbed the ice and put a few down his shirt and pressed them down. He still didn't wake up, so I took the spray bottle and sprayed his face. I then took my lipstick and put on some light pink on his lips. I giggled and took a pic. Since he was still sound asleep, I shook him for 5 minutes before he woke up.

When he sat up I kissed his cheek and said "gotcha". I then got off his lap and took his phone. Once I found Park Jung Min, Kim Kyu Jong, Heo Young Saeng, and Kim Hyung Jun ' s phone numbers, I texted them the pic of Hyun with lipstick and his pjs. A few seconds after, I got a text from Young Saeng saying

"How did you get my number, and how did you get hyung s pic?"

"I'm Hyun Joong's girl friend, Lily Kay or Lee Kang-Hye. I'm at his house now in America. I just woke him up with ice cubes, lipstick, a spray bottle, and as ton of shaking." I replied. I then got another text.

"Lol. So you're hyung's girlfriend. Can you prove your not a crazy stalking fan? (No offense. It's happened before)" I thought for a moment, and ran upstairs. Hyun was dressed (thankfully) and was combing his hair. I walked up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips and took a pic. He was suprised and looked at me funny when I pulled away after a second. I then texted the pic to Young Saeng with a note,

"See the date and time at the bottom? This proof enough? =P XD?"

Hyun looked over and my phone and I pulled it away. He looked at me funny and I burst out laughing.


I woke up to a wet face, something heavy on my stomach, violent shaking, some thick crap on my lips, and something cold on my back. When I woke up, Kang Hye was sitting on my stomach with her phone out, ice by the bed, and a spray bottle o the floor. He giggled and went outside the room with my phone. I went to the bathroom, and I had lipstick on my lips. I chuckled and wiped it away, and got into the shower. I finished and d got dressed. As I was brushing my hair, Kang Hye came in and kissed me. She giggled and did went back to texting someone with a smirk on her face. I looked over to her phone and she pulled it away. I looked and want her and she burst out laughing. I asked her what she did, and she laughed even more. When she stopped, she showed me her phone with a pic of me in my pjs and way tend lipstick on my face. I looked and way tnen do the conversation, and It was with young Saeng.

"Oh my god. You seriously sent him that?"

"Yep. We've all seen it. They did it to you on ' Thank you for waking me up'. Yeah, I watched every episode."

"Okay, I did not want to wear those pajamas. Manager Hyung made me."

"Then why were you wearing them this morning?" She asked with a smirk. Oh gods. This girl. I stared at her for a moment.

"Sorry hun. It was just too cute to pass up." She said with a smile playing on her lips. We sat in the living room for a while until it was time to go. When we got to work, we saw KimBum on the phone with someone, and he seemed really happy.

We heard him say,

"Morning babe.... wanna do something today?....okay, where do you wanna go?.....sure, I'll pick you up later. Bye. "

Me and Kang-Hye looked at eachother and then she spoke up.

"That was my sister, wasn't it." She asked, more like told. "Yup" he replied. Kang hye's face lit up.

"Finally. She has liked you since she was 16. She's liked you for four years. As a celebrity anyway. Now she likes you for real." Kang hye told him and he just smiled. "Just like you,huh." I asked. "Yea, i remember you we such a huge fan, you passed out in my presence." I tell her with a smirk. "And look at you now. You're my girlfriend, and I can even pull you close and you just smile." I tell her, and s I wrap my arm around her waist.



Hey guys, sorry if it's boring. Just want until the next chapter. Some one is going on a date. ;). I luv you guys so much for staying with me for so looong of a story. You guys rock. Keep reading and being awesome peoples. Bye loves!✋✋✋✋✋

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