Prussia x Little!Reader

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Prussia x Little!Reader- The Frickle Frackle

"Uncle Prussia, why is Papa making those noises? Is Vati hurting him?" you asked, tearing up. "No....they're just doing the frickle frackle ____," he said, eyes focused on the TV.

"T-the frickle frackle....What's that?" You asked, peering up at him. "It's se-" he began, but was quickly cut off by Japan,"It's a game." "It doesn't sound like a very fun game," you stated, going back to playing with your toys in the living room floor.

"It's not," Prussia said,"Never play frickle frackle with anyone. Ever." Japan didn't comment on Prussia's statement, although he was completely against Prussia telling you (who was so young) things like this, but he was suffering from a major nose bleed.

It was a Saturday night, and you had been playing with your toys downstairs, and your parents and went upstairs to 'play a game'. Japan had been left in charge of you, as had your Uncle Prussia, but he was more focused on the task at hand. That being watching TV.

Italy screamed, and you teared up. "Uncle Prussia, what is Vati doing to him?!?" you were scared. "I told you, they're playing a game. Your Papa's fine. Don't worry ____," he said picking you up and nestled your small body into his chest.

Not soon after that, both of your parents came back downstairs. You quickly ran over to your Papa. "Papa are you okay?! You were screaming! I was worried about you," you said tearing up again. Italy laughed awkwardly. This was going to take quiet an explanation wasn't it?


What have I done? I feel like this was some form of child abuse. I mean I tried making it funny, but I feel like I failed. Anyways, please comment and vote. Thank you for reading~


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