Chapter 2

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Roxanne's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself in my room. I let out a long sigh as I rolled around my kind size bed as the light rays that were peeping out of my curtains hit my face. It was all just a dream... It wasn't the first time i dreamt about Patrick in that way. The McKinley's anniversary is not until next week.

I looked at my clock which showed 7.45 am. I took my bolster and hugged it really tight as I tried to make myself fall asleep again. I just wanna sleep for the whole day today.

Mom and dad's outta town and I've got the whole house to myself. Just when I was about to doze off to wonderland, my bedroom door swung open.

"Good Morning sleepy head !" a bouncing Patrick, my best friend in the whole wide world came bouncing onto my bed. I took a pillow an covered my face.

"Ugh Patrick what are you doing here ? I wanna sleep. Go home." I grumbled through the pillow.

"Sleep ? Oh no. Come on get up. You and I are going for a morning jog." I threw the pillow off my face and stated at him wide eyed.

"Oh hell no. Patty I'm tireddddd ! I wanna sleep ! Go find your other buddies." I said and rolled onto my back.

"Haaa, you're asking for it." Before I could absorbed what he said, i felt his hands on my ankles as he literally dragged me out of bed making my butt hit the floor with a hard thud.

"Owwww ! Damn it Patrick ! That freaking hurts !" I exclaimed as I rubbed my hurt ass. I shot Patrick a glare as he smiled at me sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you alright ? Now come on. Go and bathe, get dressed and we are going for a nice morning jog. " Patrick said as he quickly pulled me up to my feet and pushed me towards my bathroom.

"Is this what I get for being your best friend ?" I jokingly said.

"Hey, you're gonna thank me later when you go to the decade dance with an awesome figure." He said, still pushing me towards my bathroom.

"what're you tryna say ? I'm fat ?!" I whipped my head around with a fake shocked expression.

"Well, it does seem like you gained a few pounds..." Patrick held my by the shoulders as he scanned my body.

"Oh that's it Patrick McKinley. You are so dead !" I exclaimed as I chased Patrick down the stairs all the way to the living room. I almost caught him when he tripped on the sofa causing me to fall on top of him. Our nose were almost touching each other and we were making intense eye contact.

"See what I mean ? You're getting heavy." he said and gave me a goofy smile. I was about to whack him when he said,

"Oooh, it seems like your boob grew even bigger. That is one hell of a cleavage, girl !" I noticed him looking at my boobs. My eyes widened and I quickly pulled myself off him leaving him laughing like a maniac on the couch. Geez. I took a pillow and threw it at him as I made my way to the bathroom.

As I entered the bathroom, I noticed my rosy cheeks was in a deeper shade than usual. I sigh in frustration as I undressed myself and turned on the shower. I let the cold water cascade down my body. After showering, I headed to my room and headed to my closet. I could hear the sound of the TV downstairs. I wore on my sports bra and shorts. I towel dried my hair and let it air dry for a while before tying it in a pony tail. As soon as I was ready, I made my way downstairs.

"Finally. It felt like I was waiting for Christmas." I rolled my eyes at him. He walked out of my house as I took my running shoes and put them on. I closed the door behind me and joined Patrick.

"Can we stop now ? We've been running for the past hour." I sigh in exasperation trying to catch my breath along the way. Patrick had made me run for one whole damn hour without stopping. And right now, my legs feel like they're gonna go flat like a flat tyre. As we reached the front of his house which is like right beside mine, I literally collapsed on his front porch.

"Patrick... I'm so tired.." i puffed my cheeks as I sprawled out on the floor.

"Oh come on. That wasn't so bad. Plus, it been a while since we ran like that. Didn't you feel a sense of freedom when we were running just now ?" Patrick held out his hands. I took it and he pulled me back up on my feet.

"Free ? I felt like I was going to explode !" I wailed. With his hands still in mine, he pulled me into his house.

"Mom we're back !" Patrick shouted when entered the house.

"I'm in the kitchen, honey." I heard Mrs McKinley said. Both me and Patrick headed to the kitchen.

"Hi Mrs McKinley !" I waved at her who was making blueberry muffins.

"Roxanne my dear ! What are you doing here ? Wait wait let me guess. Patrick made you run with him ?" she smiled at me. Mrs McKinley was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen other than my mom. Her light brown hair fell right below her shoulders, her piercing blue eyes sparkled like the beautiful ocean and her smile was simply magnificent.

I nodded before laughing along with her. Patrick had already headed to the showers as I talked with Mrs McKinley.

"Mrs McKinley, is it okay if I borrow your house phone ? I have to call Klaus. I didn't get a chance to call or text him when Patrick dragged me out of the house." when she gave me the permission to, I went and took the phone and dialed Klaus's number. After two rings, he answered.

"Hello ?" I heard Klaus's husky voice on the other line. I couldn't help but felt all jelly on the inside.

"Hey you, it's me." I said. I could hear some ruffling in the background before he spoke.

"Oh hey, I called just now but you didn't answer. Since my caller ID is telling me 'McKinley's' I'm guessing Patrick made you run again ?" I heard him chuckle. I smiled at myself as I hear my boyfriend's voice on the other line. Did I mention that Klaus is British ?

"You guessed right. Judging from your voice, I'm assuming this was your wake up call ?" I asked.

"My girlfriend knows me the best. Can I come over later ? I missed you." I could get the smile in his voice.

"Of course. I'll see you later okay ? I missed you too." I said as we hung up.

"Awwww, I miss you too baby ! Come give me a kiss !" Patrick started making kissing noise at the top of the staircase. His built body was wrapped with just a towel hanging lowly on his waist and his light brown hair was dripping wet.

"For goodness sake stop eavesdropping. And go and put on a shirt dude." I said as I covered my eyes.

"Oh come on. It's not like you've never seen me naked. We've even bathed together." I snapped my head towards him.

"Geez Patrick ! That was when we were what ? 6 ? 7 ?" I walked away and headed to the kitchen.

"oh don't mind him dear. You know how he is." Mrs McKinley said as she placed the third batch of blueberry muffins in the oven.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go home now. See you again Mrs McKinley. Patrick I'm leaving." I kissed her on the cheeks as she handed me a container full of warm blueberry muffins. I thanked her and walked out of the house.

I quickly jogged back to my house and unlocked the door. I checked my phone which I left on my bed. 3 miss calls from Klaus and a text from Isabelle, my other best friend. After taking a quick shower, I pulled on a purple tank top with denim shorts and blow dried my red locks. I could here a car being parked outside and I could here Patrick calling out Klaus's last name. I headed down stairs as the doorbell rang.

*Ding Dong*

"I brought some movies. Chick flicks or horror ?" This is why I love my boyfriend.

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