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Jungkook's Pov

I gently rub my nape after done with my paperwork for today, I was in Jimin's study room with my laptop on the desk.

My mind is filled with her and I can't take off of her even for a moment.

I've been in this room since this morning before she arrives with Jimin.

Fortunately, Jimin agreed to help me in the first place because of his friendship with her.

I gently rub my nape after done with my paperwork for today, I was in Jimin's study room with my laptop on the desk.

My mind is filled with her and I can't take off of her even for a moment.

I've been in this room since this morning before she arrives with Jimin.

Fortunately, Jimin agreed to help me in the first place because of his friendship with her.

After what happened yesterday, I will beware of my surrounding and tightening up the security for her safety can't let my guard off again this time.

A hard knock on the door which breaks me out of my trance and I see my bodyguard, Minho enters the room and closes the door before he takes a few steps towards my direction.

"Sir, I have two good news, first, Miss Jung has awake a few minutes ago and second, Kang Daniel has been arrested by the police department for interrogation."

A small smile spreading across my face as I heard the good news. "Serve him right! I bet he gonna love moldy bread and tasteless onion soup in the prison."

Jimin and I have been planning this for the whole two weeks, collecting the evidence to put him in the prison which the place he really deserves.

I have to ignore y/n's letter, trying not to make it's obvious and let Jimin get her out of the church as we planned.

"Thanks for the news, Minho. You may go now." He excuses himself.

I took a few slow steps towards the couch that was placed on the other side of the room. There's my little soldier sleeping safe and sound on the couch while hugging his plushie toy.

The moment when I see his face reminded me of Daniel and Jihyun, it's hurt me.

What's have Taejoon done wrong to them?

He is just a naive and innocent child, that needs a lot of attention from his parents.

I gently hold his small body and slowly lifted him up, despite don't want to wake him up from his slumber. He placed his head on my shoulder and snuggle himself against my chest.

"Daddy... I love you..." He was talking in his sleep. He always did it, Taejoon got a bad sleeping habit like walking and talking in his sleep.

"I love you more, Jeon Taejoon. Don't worry my little soldier, Daddy will always love you and protect you." I gently patted his back and caressing his soft dark hair bring him back into his slumber world.

I walked out of the room with Taejoon sleeping in my arms, strode down the hallway and make my ways towards the guest room that was located at the end of the hallway.

I can clearly hear Jimin's annoying voice followed by y/n's giggles. I slightly smile by myself before I twisted the doorknob and enter the room.

I walked in and stop short at what I see, she doesn't know how much I miss her.

She was sitting there gave Jimin a friendly hug after a few moments she breaks the hug and turns her attention to me.

"Ehem! Would you mind? Let go of my woman, Park Jimin?"

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