fuck me

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Claires POV
Beep beep
*Fuck off * I groan and hit my alarm clock off its 6:30 on Wednesday morning. The first day of school for most students it would mean hell but for me its worse its a place all the bull shit comes back. I gets up out of bed and head over to my bathroom to take a quick shower. After my hour long wake up call I had to get ready for school. "Hurry the fuck up Claire your going to be late" kate yells. *Fuccckk off * "Ill be right down" I scream back at her. Dont get me wrong I love kate just not when its 7:30 in the morning and its the first day of school. I walk to my closest and take out a pair of black ripped jeans and my misfits shirt. I brush my long black hair and throw it under my yellow beanie. I walk down stairs to see kate and dan making faces at eachother im not going to lie its fucking disgusting "good morning claire how was your sleep"dan asks, before I have time to grab coffee. I dont answer and glare at him. "You know if you keep making that face its going to stay like that " kate chimed in "and ya know if I dont get coffee in my system imma be real angry" I sneer back touche, "you better get going, or you will be late" dan says. *fuck what time is it*
I look at my watch, 8:15. "fuck." I say to myself, as I grab my keys and say goodbye to kate and dan before heading to school.
I arive at school 5 minutes late and head to my locker. my first subject is social, I'm not bad at it but still not an honor student. I grab my books, and head to my class. I walk in with my head down and try not to get noticed. "Miss Smith, you're late" Mr. Parker exclaimed. *welp so much for not getting noticed* " umm yeah sorry it wont happen again " I lied, "okay then, take a seat Miss Smith" Mr.Parker goes on teaching the class, and is feels as if th whole morning seems to last forever.
lunch. the best part of the day. I head to my locker, put my stuff away, and grab my pack of cigarettes. I close my locker, not looking where im going, and run into non other then mr. bad boy Spencer Allen "fuck" he groans and he bends over to pick up his phone *fuck me im soo dead* "watch it Smith" he growls "or fucking what" I spit, before even realizing what I had said before I know whats happening I'm up against a locker and the whole hall of people are watching and whispering. "you owe me now Smith didnt your mother ever tell you to hold your tongue" he blankley says I start to feel tears prick at my eyes with the grip of his hand and the venom he just spit "no" I whispered "sorry what" he asks "No!" I scream now with the tear running down my cheeks I push him off me and run to my spot under the stair and cry.

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