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BY: meanieabs

All Rights Reserved. materials used in this work are the properties of their respective owners. Reference of real persons, places, and events is made in fictional context and is not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual. As this work is only for self-enjoyment purpose and not to gain profit in any way, it constitutes fair use. This story can't produce in any form without permission of the cute author EXCEPT If it's permitted by the law...Can't respect the rule? ...GET LOST!!!!! Respect If you want to read. You don't respect me?I won't respect you :)) Peace!

Most of the Problem in life are because of the two reason: WE ACT WITHOUT THINKING or WE KEEP THINKING WITHOUT ACTING tama ganyan ang buhay ko basta-basta na lang kumikilos padalos dalos minsan sumusunod na lang sa agos.

No Boyfriend No Problem Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon