Together forever

16 3 1

All nights
We're together
All days

I don't believe in love
And I hate love
Love is a lie
But it's the only one thing which makes you feel high.

We see life with more appreciates things
And all bads days are nothing
Because it's together

But when the "together forever" ends, the world too ends
All good days are something sad
And all good memories are transformed into bad.

In this moment, we felt dawn
Under the background
And all we see is sadness
With a lot of sickness

After that, All good memories with you come again in my head
But these things make me hurt in my head
My heart is transformed in a fed up of broken glasses.
And it start again when I see ours togethers faces.

After those bad days, I realised that, yes, together is forever
But I didn't know that it was in a different way
In the darkness it's together, forever
With a different way

But, never mind, we're together forever
We'll meet again in the background
Together forever
In the background.

Lili Rose-

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