All of my life

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You told me that you are good but bad for me (pied pipper- BTS)
I watched you and I say that I don't understand why you are bad for me
You looked me and sayed me that I'm comming to understand
But I never wanted to understand

But I didn't have the choice
The more days passed, the more I realised how toxic you were to me
But I didn't have the choice
So I continued to advance with a constant fear in me

The day I listened this music who you the truth about us (pied pipper-BTS)
I start to pay atention to us
But I loved you so much for stop my relation with you
I only see you anyway

You are all of my life and you know that
But you tried to warn me
But I was just blinded by your beauty
You are the reason why I lived and you know that

So I start running (ref : run-BTS)
But you saided to me that I don't have to running (and stay with us)
So I stopped, but I was not sure to change my decision (leave them)
And I kept my decision

I saw you away from me
But I realised that I can't live without you
But I passed 1 month without you
And when I was really bad (depression, suicide), you accept me

From then on, I wondered what would become of me (whitout them)
And I realised that there was no happy choice for me
You are my only ending
But you're a bad ending

I'm dead without you
Depression come over without you
I love you and I don't want to hurt you
I'm always thinking about you

I'm smiling because I know that you are here

But I'm scared because I know that you can't stay with me forever

I'm with you to the end of my fear (their end)

I promise my life and all my love to you

And you got it because now, I'm here with you to my end.

Lili Rose-

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