➳ four

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"So, how long have you felt this way?" 

Ashton sits beside me on his bed, and I lean my head on his shoulder. Elenna and I had stalked back to his house with him after our little gathering at the coffee shop because Elenna's boyfriend was out of town and so was my mother.

"How long have I felt what way?"

Elenna pokes me in the arm.

"How long have you been deeply in love with Mr Harry Styles?"

She smirks, and I blush. It's not that I'm embarrassed, especially with these guys. It's jsut a girl thing when it comes to crushes, I guess.

Ashton chuckles softly. "Yeah, that."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, firstly, I'm not in love with Harry!"

Elenna pokes me again. "Right, and that's why you called me at three in the morning to ask me how you know when you're in love."

Oh, yeah.

"Well, yeah, but, I don't know. I think it's more of a crush thing."

"No, no. You said love."

"Oh my god guys, this isn't a heart to heart, it's turning into like a... well, I don't know. Not a heart to heart."

"Shut up, Ash." I flick his cheek and he swats my hand away.

"Ah, the shit I put up with. Why did god give me female best friends?"

My jaw drops at his comment, and Elenna smacks him across the head softly.

What a peaceful friendship we have. I guess that's what happens when you meet through sandpit fights and teasing.

"I'm joking, I'm joking! I love you," Ashton laughs, ruffling our hair and earning another smack across the head from Elenna. 

"Anyways, back to Ashton's question!" Elenna claps her hands together, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"If I'm being honest, I don't actually really know. I guess there's always been something there, but in the past I've just dismissed it. I  mean, we are best friends, after all. And I love him, I love you all, I always have and I always will. But recently I've felt like it's a different love, a romance love."

I look to Elenna, my head still resting on Ashton's shoulder, and she gives me an awww-oh-my-god-that-is-fkn-adorable look.

Ashton puts his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder.

"Our little Auds is in luuuuurve."

"Shut up."

"She's in luuuuurve."

"Shut up!"

"Love love love love lo-"


I stand up, pulling out of Ashton's grip and sitting on the floor. 

"Aww baby A, am I embarrassing you?"

"Don't call me that." I honestly don't care what he calls me, but I'm trying to prove a point. He knows I couldn't be angry with him.

Annoyed, yes, but not angry.

"Lighten up."



I look up at Ashton, and the last thing I see is him hauling towards me before he crash tackles me from my sitting position.


He obeys, and flips over so that we're both laying on our backs, staring at the ceiling.

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

By this point, Elenna is dropping down in between us, laughing at our immaturity.

"You guys never fail to entertain."

➳        ➳        ➳


Maddi's voice is muffled through the phone.

"I'm here, I'm here."

"When are you and Jase flying out to your father's?"

"In like..." there's a pause, and I presume she's checking her watch. "Three hours. SHIT, we need to leave in an hour. I haven't even finished packing, shit, shit, shit."

I laugh, and I can only imagine the dirty look I'm getting from her. "I thought that was tomorrow night."

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just gonna kidnap you for the night. Mum's out of town, so I'm home alone, and stuff always happens in movies to people who are home alone and-"

Maddi laughs, and I can totally see her either shaking her head or facepalming. "I'm sorry Auds, we haven't had a girl's night in ages."

"It's fine, honestly. I'll just double lock all my doors and windows and sleep in the closet."

"You just went full retard. Can't you get one of the others to stay?"

"Weeell," I start. I sift through my friends, and realise virtually all of them have plans. "Lenna's going to stay with her boyfriend for the weekend, I'm so fab that you and Jase can't handle it and therefore are flying to the other side of the country and Ashton crash tackled me so I told him I hate him and he thought I was joking, which I was, but I was trying to prove a point. And that leaves..."


➳        ➳        

Is it bad that I ship #ashdrey oops.

I'm a lot happier with this chappie than the last tho aye.

I'm a happy chappy.

See what I did there HAHAHAHAHA.

Dedicated to @make_me_strong for being amazing and supportive and ilyyy!

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