➳ two

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"How do you know when you're in love?"

"What?" Elenna's voice is close to inaudible through the phone. "Auds, it's three o'clock in the morning."

"Yeah, I know," I sigh. I watch the second hand make its way around the clock, counting each click. "I can't sleep."

I hear the rustling of blankets, and I assume Elenna's sitting up. I can imagine her rolling her eyes at me calling her at stupid o'clock just to ask her a stupid question.

"How do you know when you're in love?"

"Yeah," I confirm.

"Okay." Her I'm-about-to-go-into-full-psychology-mode tone is present in her voice. "Well, it depends. I guess you form an attachment to them, they become like a drug. Everything they say or do is perfect, you hang off of their every word and you just want more. It's when you can't imagine a future without them, you can't imagine being with anyone else because it just doesn't feel right. You call them even when they're not home just to hear their voice, or you text them with some stuid reason just to say hi. When you're around them you don't care what you look like or how you talk or walk or act, because you just feel so comfortable around them to be yourself. You think about them all the time. That's how you know you're in love."

I close my eyes, absorbing her words. It's true, everything she's saying is true. I can't imagine a future without him, not because I don't want to, but because I can't. When he breaks off the phone call because his phone's dying I call him straight back just to listen to him. I ask him questions I already know the answer to, just to talk to him.

And when I'm around him I know I don't have to put on an act. Because he accepts me for who I am.


I hear Elenna yawning.

"Well, that's all I wanted to know, I'll let you go back to sle-"

"Oh no you don't, missy." Humour is clear in her voice. "Not until you tell me why you're asking me this!"

"I was just interested," I lie.

"Tell meeeeeeeeee!" she whines. "I'm your best friend, we always tell each other this stuff!"

"Okay, so mabe there's someo-"

"Did I tell you or did I tell you?"

"Oh shut up!" It's my turn to whine now. Of course I trust Elenna with this sort of stuff; we're extremely close. We could basically be counted as sisters considering we practically live at each others' houses.

It's just I can never bring myself to say this sort of thing straight up like most people. I like making people play the guessing game.

"Do I know them?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

Damn, she's good. She always gets this stuff with the click of a finger.

"Are we close?"

"It's a possibility."

"OH MY GOD." She lowers her voice mid sentence after she realises she's yelling at 3am.

"Oh my god what?"

"Auds loves Jason!"

"What?!" I almost drop my phone. "Take another guess, Sherlock."

"Oh my god, is it Harry?"

"Nice weather today." Good job, Audrey. You awkward turtle.

"It's totally Harry OH MY GOD THAT IS ADORABLEEE!" she sings, trying to contain her excitement. That's what I love about Elenna, she's always so happy.

"Pfft, no."

"Pfft, yes."


She giggles knowingly. "Fine what?"

"Fine, it's Harry. I think I'm in love with Harry."

➳        ➳        ➳

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