Episode 1: The overlord

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Narrator's pov:

At the hidden base facility where all héroes gather for a meeting also to "Yang" out and meet Each other ( kill me xD), everyone arrive and took a sit to begin to talk, a woman with gray long hair represent of chaldea call herself Olga

At the hidden base facility where all héroes gather for a meeting also to "Yang" out and meet Each other ( kill me xD), everyone arrive and took a sit to begin to talk, a woman with gray long hair represent of chaldea call herself Olga

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Olga: alright Let us begin, our scouts just inform that so call " overlord" was spotted there and he just disapear the moment they saw him, idk what Is deal but for some reason Is needed to convince him to join us

????: Hmmm it won't be Easy since His dangerous and set a warning which Is still bit wierd

Olga: I'm sure convince him Is easy, you have any idea of yours Makarov?

Olga: I'm sure convince him Is easy, you have any idea of yours Makarov?

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Makarov: it's like His hatred somehow Is involving on that night when-

????: When a mother of Y/n die? Could be posible- sips His coffe-

Glynda: you sure Ozpin? I mean there's no connecion between that night and the overlord

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Glynda: you sure Ozpin? I mean there's no connecion between that night and the overlord

Olga: hold on a minute what are you trying to say profesor Ozpin?

Ozpin: if that night was His mother die then that must mean that so call overlord Is none other than....

The room when Silence waiting ozpin to say until finally he spoke

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