Miss Sparrow

27 7 1

I am bitter, and ugly , and cruel.

You are bitter and ugly, and cruel.


Adalline Rose.

You are Adalline Rose.

Adalline Rose is bitter


and cruel.


His eyes are stone cold. They seem to see through everything, including me. His teeth might as well be fangs, his eyes blood. His heart frozen- if one at all lay in that chest.

My lips twist in a sneer. I may be a kinder person, someone who has emotion at all, a good person even- compared to him. But I have fangs of my own.

"You're so damn cruel and you think it makes you invincible? You'll be lucky if I kill you myself one day, put you out of your melodramatic misery ". My words sound like a snarl from a beast. Naturally he doesn't flinch. His tone is as cold as he.

"And when that day comes Miss Niki-" he says my name like a threat. Dark lashes dust his pale cheeks as he looks down on me- face so painfully devoid of emotion.

"Be sure to write my name in blood."

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