•Chapter 5•

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[Editor's note] Hi Guys! xXDeltaEchoXx here! I just wanted to let you know that this chapter may be longer than usual and is mostly centred around Sean. I promise I'll make a mostly Mark segment at some point. Anyways, on with the story. ^-^

[Sean's POV]

Signe grabbed my wrist playfully and pulled me into the house and plopped me onto the sofa while she bounced into the kitchen to make me some coffee. She was even more energetic than me, wow. I picked up her dog, I think she called it Barney. I rubbed his head and started to play-wrestle with him.

Signe walked in with 2 cups of coffee.

"Oh, I see Barney's come out to play! He's usually not so fond of people, ya know..." She starts. I feel like she's lying.

"Yeah... I know. Because you tell me the exact same thing every time I come here." I grumble back, rudely. I feel bad for saying it because then the mood dampens and she puts on a fake smile and places my coffee down.

"Oh sorry dearie, my bad!" She apologises. I decide not to say anything and change the subject. I see her sit down on the sofa still smiling, it looks a bit more genuine now.

"So, how're you and Charlie getting along? You still a happy couple?" I ask, remembering her previous boyfriend. I felt horrible about the way he treat her whenever I was here. He was tall and muscular with a terrible smell of booze and cigarettes. He always treated her as a lower being, ordering her to get him a beer from the fridge. She also would occasionally have bruises on her arms whenever I looked at her selfies on social media. I decided not to bring it up with her because she was always happy around him. I see her face drain of the rosie colour she usually had scattered across her cheeks as she clutches her coffee mug tightly.

"M-My friend saw him with another g- girl, so I ended it. I d-don't know why I ever l- loved him." She replies tearily.

"I'm sorry to hear it, Signe. I hope you find someone new." I reply sympathetically. I see her face brighten a bit and she asks me a question.

"What about you? Have you gotten yourself a girlfriend yet?" She asks, also with a slight hint of cheek in her tone.

I shake my head and see her lighten up a bit more.

"W-Well... we've known each other for years now, since Elementary school... s- so I was hoping you'd like to take our friendship to the next level?" I see her ask with a bright smile.

"I'm sorry Signe, I've never seen you as anything more than a friend, and I don't think I ever will," I reply, kind of hiding the truth. I didn't want to tell her yet that I never really had any feelings for girls, so I may actually be gay, as I wasn't 100% sure myself. I look at her usually bright eyes suddenly turn dull.

"O-Oh I'm sorry Sean. I- I should have thought." She says as an awkward tension fills the air. I feel super bad for her, but I also know that I may struggle talking to her in future knowing that she would date me. Not only knowing that she'd date me but knowing that I was just a 'back-up' plan from Charlie. I feel thoughts rush through my head and don't understand what to do. I place my coffee on the coffee table and tell her I'm going outside for a bit. I take the bus home.


I got home at about 5 pm and decide to make myself some food before checking social media.

I sit down on my sofa and see Mark's online on Instagram. Yay! I drop him a message.

J- Top of the morning, Mark.

M- Hello Sean. How are you doing?

J- Oh, I'm doing fine thank you. Just rejected a girl though, aha.

M- Really? Just the one? Surprised more girls are swooning over you with your vibrant green hair. (;

J- Oh shut up. I'm rarely in public anyways. -_-

M- Aha, sucks to be youuu.

M- Wait, I'm also never in public. Damn, I'm a hypocrite.

M- I hope she understands, bud. I just got dumped by my girlfriend, but I don't think I'll make it public yet. I can't be bothered.

J- Oh man. Feel bad for you. I hope you can move on. I've never had a serious breakup or anything so I don't know anything about it, but good luck bro.

M- Thanks! Anyways, enough talking about girls. That stuff's old news. Wanna skype call?

I feel my face light up at the mention of him calling me. I'd love to have a one on one conversation with him. I feel like we would really get along.


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