•Chapter 11•

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[Mark's POV]

I stared at the message after I had pressed send. Why did I add a heart?? Why Mark?? Now he's going to think you're some stupid flirter or something dumb like that. I tried to delete the message but saw that he had read it, and it was no use lying to him. Oh well. I shrugged it off knowing it was no good and decided to have a shower or bath.

As I stripped down, I could feel the steam from the now-hot shower condensing against my cold smooth skin. Bless my Asian hairless genes. I hopped into the shower and hummed a happy tune to myself, knowing that Sean could be here very shortly and I'd be able to see him in person. I'm pretty sure that ever since I spoke to Sean, I have been a million times happier and I have appreciated every second life has to offer.

I sometimes found myself obsessing over him, imagining what his voice is like in person, or how it would feel pressing my lips to any part of his body. It felt pretty obvious now that I and my little 'friend' were very excited about his visit. Great. I decided to 'deal with the problem' before cleaning myself down and reluctantly getting out of the hot shower. I enjoyed the feeling of hot water pounding my skin. It was like washing away all of the stress and depression.

What was it about Sean that fascinated me so much? From someone else's perspective, he may just be an ordinary YouTuber; enthusiastic and busy. But for me, he was hard-working, enthralling, engaging, and -to be completely honest- very cute. He vibrant green hair clashed against his dark clothes. He almost always wore a black shirt or hoodie with black ripped jeans and black converse. But of all of his perfect features, his piercing blue eyes stood out. I could see those crystal clear eyes from a mile off. 

I think I love him.


[Sean's POV]

It was about 9 when I woke up, so I decided I could use today to do some housework and pack for my trip to Los Angeles in 3 days. I figured I would clean my house, then pack so that if I find anything worth taking to Mark's I can put it in the suitcase.

When I finally decided to retire from cleaning the downstairs of my house, it was because I was hungry. I hadn't had breakfast this morning so decided I'd go grab myself a quick snack before resuming. I had mainly cleaned the house and only had my office left to do. Great, that'll be fun, I sarcastically comment to myself.

It had been weeks since I'd eaten out, so decided I'd go to a local cafe which does all-day breakfast which is perfect for people like me who can often wake up after 11 am. I cursed my bad sleep patterns and told myself I needed to get a good night's sleep before the flight; I think I would scream my house down if I slept past the flight and missed Mark. Anyways, I opened the front door and dragged two trash bags out of the front door to put them in the waste tip at the end of my street. Fortunately, the cafe was around the corner from my house and only took a few minutes to walk to. I approached the entrance of the small Cafe and stared at the brightly coloured sign: Felix's Coffee & Cake. There was also a small tag on the bottom which said '(mostly cake)'. I always laugh when I see that and I enter the cafe.

Ding ding ding

The bell atop the door jingled and the cheery-faced Swedish man laughed and clapped his hands together in joy.

"Seann!! It's been weeks! Where were you, buddy!?" Felix shouts from over the counter. I roll my eyes, shake my head and chuckle as I approach the counter. There was a glass display with cakes of all different shapes and sizes, each looking increasingly delicious.

"I was busy with work, aha. Sorry!" I reply and reread the menu, though I remember it fluently anyways.

"The usual, eh?" Felix comments, holding up a tray with a black coffee with latte art of a four-leaf clover and a small coffee cake with ginger.

"Ahh, yeh know me too well." I pick up the tray and place it on a nearby table and reach into my pocket for my wallet. A young beautiful lady walks out of the kitchen and stands next to Felix and shakes her head with a smile.

"Oh no, dear, it's on us! Don't pay a penny.!" She shouts cheerily in a very mousy, but polite tone. Felix and I grin at each other as she pecks him on the cheek. I give him a thumbs up. I'd met this girl about 2 months ago, and she had introduced herself as Marzia. She stated she was from Italy and moved to England looking for a job in fashion. Felix had 'warned' me that he was head over heels for her, so back then I shook it off as a joke. Now I could see that they truly loved each other.

As she turns to go take another lady's order, I have a short conversation with Felix.

"So yeh got the gem, hmm?" I mention. He grins and nods his head eagerly.

"She's a right cutie. Plus, she has a soft spot for my pug Edgar. I think I'd break up with her if she didn't." We both laugh a bit and I thank Felix for lunch. I find a nearby table and pull up to it, getting out my phone and looking through my Twitter. It was quite pleasant, and for an Autumn, it wasn't too cold either. I decided to take a photo with my coffee and posted it on Instagram.


Heya girlies, how do I look? :P

I finished my coffee, waved goodbye to the love birds and set off back home. I'm so happy Felix found a girlfriend. Means he doesn't have to pester me daily with texts.


Hey guys! Hope you liked that I introduced Felix and Marzia! I would also like to congratulate them on their wedding. It was beautiful, and they are one of the best couples out there and I wish them eternal happiness! <3

Stay fabulous. ;)


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