CHAPTER 10: Kyoka (Part 3)

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"So that's'd better come back for me, you fucking idiot."

When I look into her eyes, I'm not sure what I see. There are tears, but it's not of sadness. It's something way beyond sadness, yet at the same time, full of hope. I don't think I ever saw someone look so miserable but happy at the same time.

"Kyoka, there's a reason why I came here today," I say. I stood up and looked her straight in the eye, "Truth is, I came here because I forgot something important."

Kyoka blinks.

"'re only in my dream," She says suspiciously, "You can't physically take something from my—"

Before she knew it, my lips are pressed against hers, one hand buried into her hair. Kyoka's eyes widen and she gasps, clearly not expecting the kiss. But finally, she dissolves before me, and kisses me back softly. I pull her closer to me as she places her arms around my shoulders. When we finally let go to let warm air slip between us, we are both smiling. 

"I found it," I said. She blushes furiously.

"Idiot. You're an idiot, you know that?" she mutters, but it was clear that she was happy. I laugh.

"Farewell, Kyoka," I say to her, "I hope we meet again. I hope you become an excellent hero," I almost choke saying that word, "I hope you pass U.A. with flying colors. Compose hundreds of amazing music pieces. Meet new friends and people who will help you in your journey. I hope you'll know I'll always be with you. "

She frowns and reaches for my hand.

"Why are you saying that like you're gonna die?" she asks.

Because this is the last time I'm going to see you. I wanted to say. I didn't say it though. It's not fair to her.

"Because I love you." Oops. Did I just say that?

 At this, Kyoka's eyes widen, and she's shaking, her face paling. Then, she releases my hand, slowly kneels down to the ground, crouches down, and starts sobbing quietly. The sobs become louder each second and eventually she's crying again. Wailing as tears heavily fall down her cheek.

"Goodbye, Kyoka," were my final words before I walked back to her balcony and disappear from her sight again.

I silently make my way back home with a smirk on my face. 

Did you think this chapter was going to end with a happy romantic message? If yes, you were wrong, and you still are. So many questions running through your mind. Why did I really attack Kirishima? Why is this the last time I'll see her, you ask? Why is Kyoka crying after I confessed to her?

Ooh, the things I could tell you. But not yet, young one. I want you to find out for yourself as you continue reading the story.

I'll give you a tiny hint though. I'm a master heartbreaker.

Did I mention that before?

wieqksffndskfjnsfeofnwo I'M alive. This chapter had to be completed a bit later because I was on vacation for a while. But I made it! And for some reason, it's SUPER LONG. Sorry, guys.

YAY!!! WE HAVE OVER 1000 VIEWS ON THIS STORY! It's not much compared to the other fanfics I've seen, but it still makes me happy!

Wow, this chapter was a legit adventure. I was thinking about it so much, not sure how I was going to portray their relationship. When I finished writing it, I was so tired lol. But it was fun to write and I want to write more KamiJirou in the future. 

Most of you are probably confused with some stuff in the chapter, but your questions shall be answered if you keep reaaaadiinnng! I'm totally not trying to force you to read this because I like the popularity! Nope, I would never do that. Not once. Nope.....

(JK, you can choose to read this story or not XD)

Fun Fact about this story #2: KamiJirou is my second favorite ship. (KiriBaku is my first). They just match so well together, and even their quirks! I like how Kaminari would just be the super flirty but dumbass in the relationship and Jirou would always yell at him and get mad him but doesn't understand why she loves him. 

Kaminari was kinda a dick in this chapter, but that's kinda the point, isn't it?

Stay tuned for Chapter 11! 

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