CHAPTER 20: The U.A. Traitor

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Thunder roared through the clouds like a hungry mammal. Rain poured violently onto the grounds of U.A. Academy. The fierce wind almost acting like a blizzard, threatening to sweep away anyone who dared to take a step out their doors.

The clock read 9:32pm. The students of Class 1-A were spending their time in the common room of the U.A. dorms, with several chit-chatty voices and laughters across the room. The girls played cards on the couch, and the boys were spread out, mostly talking in pairs.

The yellow-haired boy, Kaminari Denki, however, sat alone at the dining table, using his fork to pick at a cold salmon piece. He was acting bizarre, his eyes staring at the fish as if he wanted to kill it all over again. A red-head and a blond came over to him.

"Hey man!" Kirishima called with a smile. He placed a hand on Kaminari's shoulder, who only returned a small nod, not taking his eyes away from the food.

"You're still eating dinner?" scoffed Bakugo, "We all finished 20 minutes ago. What are you, a slowpoke?" Kirishima shot him a glare.

"Katsuki, be nice," he said. Bakugo put his hands in his pockets and gave a grunt. Kirishima turned his attention back to Kaminari, "Ignore him. Take your time. So! How've you been, buddy? How's life?"

"U-Uh, fine," Kaminari said quietly. He said no more than that. Kirishima frowned.

"Okay, well, um..." said the redhead, "Katsuki and I were gonna get a drink from the vending, um, want something?"

Kaminari shook his head. He was still staring at the food, trying not to let his frantic anticipation show.

It's almost time... he repeated to himself, Oh God, It's almost time...

"You sure you're okay, dude?" asked Kirishima with a bit more strain in his voice. He noticed his friend was acting rather...strange.

Kaminari nodded again, silently begging the redhead to leave him alone

Kirishima frowned again, but shortly left to go to the vending machine. He kept looking back to see if maybe Kaminari had changed his mind.

But he didn't.

He just kept staring at the fish, unmoving.

What the fuck is taking them so long? Kaminari asked to himself,  Are they hesitating? 

Finally, he lifted his head around the common room, watching the smiles of his beloved classmates light up the entire building. He felt tears roll down his cheeks, but wiped them away quickly, before anyone could notice.

Today wasn't like any other day. Today was important. Today...was the day.

The day of the operation.

Kill Class 1-A.

I can't...I can't...

His girlfriend, Jirou Kyoka, shortly came over and offered him to play cards with her and the girls. He shook his head.

Mineta Minoru came with an erotic magazine, and asked Kaminari if he wanted to take a peek at it with him. He shook his head.

"Aw, really?" said Mineta with disappointment, "It's the newest edition!"

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