Chapter 2: The Introduction

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Alan woke up with a loud groan, not knowing where he was or who took him since he was still in pain from his step brothers attack and the harassment of the now deceased Mannabe campers. Looking around at his surroundings, Alan noticed he was in an isolated house elsewhere in the forest which nobody had even been there. The sweaty big boy made an attempt to get up but a stinging sensation shot through his body, causing him to let out a low hiss of pain and fell back onto the bed he'd previously woken up on just as a figure stepped out of the shadow, making his face contort into one of pure shock, terror and disgust. "Holy crap,y-you're that deranged killer Angela Baker a-aren't you?!"stuttered Alan, who backed up against the wall as Angela, who's smirk grew, backed him against said wall and began chuckling darkly but in an audible voice. "You're luckily I didn't kill you like the other campers Alan." Replied Angela, who held a sewing needle in hand as well as some thread. "H-How the hell do you know my name?!" Shouted Alan, who wasn't happy about the situation whatsoever.

The serial killer laughed as she walked to the sink and began cleaning the knife she used to skin Michael alive and poor Alan looked on in pure horror at the now clean weapon, which was placed on the countertop carefully. "Well, when I was in disguise as Sheriff Jerry, I was able to obtain information from the counsellors about each of the Camp Mannabe campers, Including you and your step brother..."said Angela, who sat on a chair in front of the now traumatised Alan, who curled into a ball from hearing those chilling words coming from the camp killer. "Y-you're crazy!!" Shouted Alan, causing the killer to flinch and her face grew into that of a shocked one which gave Alan enough time to launch at her, knocking her to the ground as he desperately looked for the nearest door to run out of and get any sign of help. After a few minutes of recovery, the now enraged Angela grabbed the knife off her countertop and dashed off after her escapee, who had gotten out of the door and was running as fast as his legs could carry him. "Your ass stinks!!!" Alan shouted back at her, still running in a blind panic, stopping by a far away tree to take deep breaths from the pursuit and situation he was in right now.

After what seemed like hours of exhaustion and excruciating pain, Alan turned around to see if Angela was still pursuing him, only to see that she stood there, a look of fury on her face and knife in hand as she grabbed him in a headlock, struggling to keep him from running any further away. "Thought you could get away from me fatty?!" Snarled Angela, holding the knife to the frightened Alan's chest, preparing to stab him, this situation was now even more horrible and Alan sobbed as he struggled to pushed his attacker away from him. "J-Just leave me alone you freak!"begged Alan, but his pleads for mercy fell upon deaf ears as he was then knocked unconscious with the jolt of the knife by Angela, who carried him back to the isolated house and chained both his hands and feet to the bed, making sure they were able to keep him from escaping again before locking all of the house's many doors and windows to prevent another runner.

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