unalterable .

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November 28th, 2019

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November 28th, 2019

Thanksgiving Day...

11:09 A.M.

"Why the fuck am I over here?" I mumbled to myself, walking up to the door.

I knocked on it, not hearing anyone moving. I had little patience, so I was ready to leave off the first knock. A few minutes later, he unlocked the door, smiling at me.

"Can I come in?" I asked him.

He smirked at me and moved to the side. I walked in, still standing at the door while he walked to the couch.

"I just want to talk" I sighed.

Yesterday, I got a lot of weight and hurt off my shoulders. I was able to forgive my mother and father for my childhood. Now I had to talk to Dayvon about our relationship.

"Don't you always?" He joked, giving me his attention.

"Um, Dayvon, we have some history together, so, um" I stopped.

I don't know why I felt so nervous, it's not like I'm cutting him off or anything.

"My dad is down here and he wants to see who we've been involved with, so we're having a small lunch that I want you to come to" I told him.

He smiled, getting up and nearing me. He puckered his lips and I kissed them. I couldn't express how I felt for Von. I felt like I couldn't be with him, but always found myself coming back to him.

"Of course ima come ma. Ima show pops who been fucking da shit out his daughta" he joked.

I laughed, pushing his chest.

"Na, but fa real. I'a do anything for you, you know that righ?" He asked, being serious.

I nodded, wrapping my arms around him. And it was true, I did.

I stretched my arms, getting off the bed

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I stretched my arms, getting off the bed. Izzy was hanging off the edge, knocked out. After waking up and getting dressed, I took a nap, waiting for grandma to finish cooking.

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