The Beginning Of The End Part two

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I get up from my bed to see any clues on what's going on I see a picture of a beautiful auburn-haired girl, but I don't know who she is probably one of those picture models. I walk over to the bathroom and start brushing my teeth, and I don't care what people say, I brush before I eat. I put the toothbrush back, and I notice that there is another one I pick it up and it had a sticker on it and said, Hope. Who the fuck is Hope?


Hope doesn't know what to do she thought she destroyed Malivore now she has to find a permeant way to make sure he never rises again and she has a theory but will only use it the worst-case scenario. She still in the nurse's office with Lizzie, and after everything that happened, she needs to let out some steam she needs hit something. She kissed her girlfriend and said, "I will see you soon." She ran out of the room and went straight to the gym; luckily, it was empty and quiet.

She was so mad she couldn't hold in this rage anymore she didn't put any gloves on she started beating up the punching bag. She began to scream at the bag, "Lizzie thinks I am a monster." As she punches the bag, "I can't have kids anymore." She hits the bag a little harder, "I have to die for everyone to live." And the bag popped open. Hope didn't know her newfound strength as the sand started to fall she fell on her knees and started crying knowing that saying goodbye is going to be the hardest thing in the world.

Hope didn't hear the door open when Lizzie walked behind her girlfriend and said: "It's okay Hope I am right here. I will never leave your side."

Hope didn't say anything she enjoyed those last good moments she would have with her girlfriend the last time she would feel safe again.

She said, "Lizzie, I have to tell you something."

Lizzie said, "Hope I love you so much so whatever you have to tell me I will always be okay with."

She couldn't say goodbye she couldn't do that to her girlfriend the one person that actually gets her she wouldn't do it and said: "I love you too Lizzie Saltzman."

They kissed and for Hope she didn't want to let go because it would be the last time she felt those lips on hers, and she wasn't ready to say goodbye.

When they parted ways, Hope said "we will talk soon I promise" knowing it's a lie.

Lizzie shook her head and watched her walk away. Hope had one place to go before ending it all, and that was Penelope and Josie's room.

She knocked on their door, and Penelope opened it and gave Hope a hug and asked: "Are you okay."

Hope shook her head no and started crying; she wanted to put up a tough act but couldn't not to her best friend. She walked inside and saw Josie sitting on the bed.

They both asked "what wrong Hope."

"I can't tell you, but I need that binder of diary entries."

Josie said, "we don't know what you Are talking about."

Hope said, "I can hear your heartbeat, so don't lie to me."

Josie didn't give it up when Hope said a spell and the book flew from under the bed to her hand.

Josie said, "okay, why do you need it."

Hope didn't say anything she opened it and found her name and closed it and said "Incendia"

and the whole book turned into ash and flew out the window.

Penelope said, "Hope why did you do that."

Hope said, "I can't tell you.' And started to walk away and the door shut before she was able to walk out and said, "tell me right now Hope what's wrong."

Hope said, "Malivore is back, and I have a way of permanently ending him, but if you guys saw my name in the binder you would wonder who I am and I won't have that."

Josie said, "does Lizzie know what you're about to do."

Hope shook her head no and said: "and you won't tell her." As she spoke a spell that knocked out the two witches.


Hope tracked Malivore into one of the classrooms in the school when she walked in she said a period and the floor ripped apart, revealing a huge black goo entrance.

Hope was on the ledge ready to dive off one foot over the puddle and prepared to jump when she heard the door slam open, and it was Lizzie.

She sobbed, "you didn't even say goodbye."

Hope didn't know what to do she said: "sorry, Lizzie just know that I love you."

She was about to jump in when she was dragged back by some magic force.

Lizzie said, "no Hope I don't care if the world burns down. I am never leaving your side, I promised."

Hope said, "this is somewhere. I have to go alone."

She said, "Hope Andrea Mikaelson I love you please don't leave me alone I don't know what I would do without you I can't live without you."

Hope didn't say anything she walked over to her girlfriend and gave a kiss and said: "goodbye Lizzie I love you so much and I am so sorry that I can't be with you."

Hope stepped backward, knowing it was the pit one foot away from her and Lizzie grabbed Hope as she was falling and said: "I guess we are in this till the bitter end."

Both girls fell in and seconds after nothing was there Malivore was destroyed but at what cost.


Josie was reading a book, and she felt a wave hit her; she didn't know what it was but put her book down and said: "why am I reading about Gemini twins."

Penelope said, "I don't know babe you are the last Gemini and you aren't a twin.

Hope and Lizzie both were trapped in a prison world; they are the only ones there, but they don't remember each other, and soon they will learn something that changes everything."

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