nouis~why wont you believe me?

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~niall's p.o.v~

i woke up at 3 a.m out of nowhere as i thought i heard someone breaking in and then i realised that we were on the tour bus which was moving so i tried to get back to sleep but it was impossible and so i thought to myself that i would make myself some sugar milk which always helped me to sleep. i went to get up and as i did i realised that it was a big mistake. my stomach was doing flips, i felt dizzy and my headache was killing me. "lou? lou, LOU!!!" i whisper yelled so that nobody else woke up but louis. "niall you better have a good reason to wake me up at silly o'clock in the morning"he replied "i feel sick louis" to which he responded "niall you tried this last week to get the day off its not going to work we are not giving you attention. GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!" he yelled at me. then i decided to go to liam's bunk upstairs because i knew he really would believe me. to my surprise his curtain was open. "liam? li are you awake?" i asked"niall why are you up at this time. are you ok?""no" i cried "im really sick and lou... my own boyfriend doesn't believe me" i sobbed into his shoulder as five seconds earlier he embraced me into a hug. you might be wondering why liam and i are hugging and that's because liam and i are best friends. i go to him about everything."shhh nialler its ok. do you feel like your gonna throw up? whats wrong?" he said rubbing my back"my head hurts along with my throat and stomach and i feel dizzy" i sobbed "hey, come on now nialler, its ok. do you wanna sleep here with me to....." he started asking before i cut him off running to the bathroom that was fortunately right next to liam's bunk. before i knew it liam was rubbing my back and i was desperately trying no to throw up. "nialler, come on you know that it wont do any good holding in it will just make it hurt more." "i cant li-li. can you press my stomach to help me please?" i cried. and yes i called him li-li which is what i call him when im ill  and I get super clingy too. "ok nialler. i promise you will feel better after." and then it happened. i threw up and i did feel a lot better. "please dont tell the others im sick. i want them to feel bad for calling me a liar and attention seeker" i said "of course i wont nialler. are you better now?" "yes thanks I dont think I can sleep now so I will just sit and watch tv downstairs. but you sleep" "no you are ill niall and I want you to have some company. I cant sleep anyway."

the others have woken up now and invited me to play football so I did. I wasn't feeling to bad anymore so I thought why not. BIG MISTAKE. we were about half way through the game when It started again. "boys, im not feeling to great. im gonna go back to watch tv" I said. and then my boyfriend stepped in and said "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD NIALL THER IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU SUCK IT UP AND PLAY!!!" so that's what I did. again. BIG MISTAKE. everything went blurry and then back to normal it did that for another five minutes. liam must have noticed something was wrong because he came over and asked if I was alright and said that we should tell louis. "no. we cant tell him. hes calling me a liar,.I think im gonna be sick.... wait no im gon..." then it all went black. I hit my head

~3 hours later~

I woke up and I could immediately smell my worst fear. HOSPITALS!!! I heard whispering outside my door. i wanted to see if louis truly felt bad for calling me a liar so I thought of a plan and liam was in on it. I would..."hi nialler how are you feeling?" zayn said. "who are you?" I asked knowing full well who he was but I winked at him and he immediately knew what I was doing. then harry walked in and said "niall how ya doin buddy?" and I did exactly what I did to zayn to  harry. "ah. gotcha bud" then louis walked in. and I pretended to just have woken up "oh niall babe im glad you are ok. I love you" and that's when I started. "who're you and how do you know my name?" I said "I will get the nurse" then zayn walked out the room to get the doctor and tell her my plan but to go along with it. 

when zayn came back with the nurse she winked at me and said"ah. I hoped this wouldn't happen but evidently he hit his head really hard. it will tak him a while to get his memory back but he will be fine after he does. he will b here til he does." and with that she walked out followed by louis and liam. liam asked why louis didn't believe that I was sick and that's when I heard it. he did believe me but he was pretending to be angry at me so he could get us together at the end of the week to propose. but im certain that I was hearing things. then he said to the others "lads can I have some time alone with him please?" and with that it was just me and louis. I had to keep up the act though so I said once again "tell me who you are or I will call security." "ni? its louis. your boyfriend. I was gonna propose to you today and that was why I was saying you were faking being ill. but now you lost your memory and i've lost you now." he said. "you were... you.. but... what?" you haven't lost me lou-lou, I was oly pranking you."

"bu... wh...w...t...what? he started to tickle me when I said "stop lou. its a hospital remember?" then he got off and said... close your eyes so I did. he got on one knee and said open. when I did he said "marry me baby?" clearly zayn and harry had no idea on the plans of louis doing this and they said... "wh..bu..hsgdkfd? well?" "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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