Nouiam~ it hurts Lou part 2

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seconds later, Harry came running in. "Nialler? oh buddy." he said as he leaned down and rubbed my back.

" really hurts. I'm scared Hazzy" "I know mate, but you need to just let it pass" he said, and as I went to respond, I threw up again. Harry rubbed my back as Zayn called Harry to find out what was taking so long, but Harry just said "Zayn can you come and give me some water for Ni to take more meds please?" I had been finished throwing up for 5 minutes by now, and around 2 minutes later Zayn came in with water and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "you really are poorly aren't you mate?" I just cried. "Ni, can you take these meds for me please" "n-no. I will throw them up again if I try." "ok Ni, at least have some water?" I sniffled, and took the water, taking a small sip, but I threw up again. this time I was finished, so I told Harry we could leave. we got up and headed to the interview that had already started, and apologized for being late. as I sat down, I got the sick feeling in my stomach. I am quite awkward when it comes to asking for something in an interview, so I whispered to Harry to ask for some water, and he replied "sure mate. feeling sick again?" I nodded, and Harry spoke up. 

"sorry, can we get some water for Niall please" someone went to get it, and Louis whispered "Ni? you ok you look pale?" " yeah 'm fine. just a bit hot you know?" "yeah it is hot in here" I tried to now answer too many questions, but one, I really did need to answer, because I had the perfect one. the question was "what is your best joke?" so I replied "What's the difference between a raven and a crow?" asked the Redditor. "Ravens have seventeen wing feathers with the end feather called a pinion, in contrast to crows having only sixteen wing feathers." answered the one known as Dan.He continued, "Therefore, it's just a matter of a pinion" which got everyone laughing. but I knew I would throw up again. "sorry, can I quickly go to the toilet? I know it's been 15 minutes, but I had too many bottles of water today" I fake smiled. "lets see what the boys all say. should we let him go boys?" Zayn said "yeah. he wont speak to us if we say no." Louis decided to play his tricks. "or, we could press on his bladder and make him piss himself." everyone laughed. "seriously, I need to go now." 

I looked at Harry, and he instantly knew. "guys let him go. seriously, just le..." he didn't get to finish before I threw up, shocking everyone, even Louis. we were out to the world that Liam, Louis and I were in a relationship, as were Harry and Zayn, so when Louis said "baby? why didn't you say you were sick?" it didn't come as a surprise. the interviewer spoke. "do you want to call your management to come pick you up? Niall is clearly unwell." "yeah. I'll do it." Harry spoke "y-you were busy with Liam all week while he was ill, and you were tired, I didn't want to worry you, so I forced Harry and Zayn to keep quiet. Liam isn't even better, so I didn't wanna have you look after both of, especially when Liam needs looking after the most. I only have a stomach bug and a cold." "Niall, you have what I had and a cold, not just a stomach bug. and you get them so much worse, and I am 99% ok now Niall, so I could look after you. Lou could sleep then help when he isn't tired." Liam spoke. "I just didn't wanna risk Louis being hospitalized from sleep deprivation, and now that I think about it, he hasn't eaten properly. it was that bad, and I haven't eaten properly either."

"Niall, I dont care about food and sleep if you are ill. you are all that matters to me, as well as Liam. and I have been eating. I sneaked off to eat when you two were cuddled up together. why didn't you eat? it probably weakened your immune system which is why you got sick and not me." "I forgot to eat"Harry walked in saying "Paul is out the front waiting." Louis picked me up and walked me to the van, with Harry, Liam and Zayn following behind. "Nialler? how comes you got sick and Louis didn't?" Paul asked.I didn't wanna speak, so Louis spoke instead, but I felt really faint, and I passed out


"he has not been eating since Liam got ill, as he has forgotten to eat. which is probably why he went really pale and just literally passed out! SHIT PAUL GET HIM TO HOSPITAL NOW! HES HARDLY BREATHING" "GET HIM IN THE VAN LOUIS, ZAYN LIAM AND HARRY GET IN!" "alright Pal, keep your hair on." "NIALL NEEDS TO GO TO HOSPITAL SO HURRY UP." with that, they hopped into the Van. we sped to the hospital, arriving in 5 minutes. when we pulled in, I got Niall out of the van, and ran inside. "we need help over here. he passed out and he is hardly breathing. please help us" I cried. a doctor ran over. "what happened?" he asked as he took Niall from me and into a room, placing him on the bed, and then an oxygen mask on his face. "well, Liam was ill all week with the stomach flu, and Niall had been forgetting to eat, and he got the illness and a cold. is he going to be ok?" "he will be fine. he's probably just malnourished. we will feed him through a tube and see how it goes, but it should help bring him round." "so he will be ok then?" I was crying because I didn't want one of my babies to die 

"hopefully yes." "what do you mean hopefully?" "it is to early t..." "TELL ME WHAT IT COULD BE?" "well, he looks like he has been eating then throwing it up after. it is unlikely but it is a possibility" I couldn't help but let the tears fall. "a-anorexia?" "possibly yes." he said. Liam came over and hugged me, letting me cry. I whispered "I-I dont want him to go through what I went through and am going through Li. it would break my heart" "I know boo bear, but it is unlikely, the doctor said. we just need to wait and see ok baby?" "I-I'm scared Liam." "I know Lou. I am too." we sat for an hour befor the doctor came out again. "friends of Niall Horan" "thats us." "he does not have anorexia, he was just under nourished. he should be ok to go home in a few hours, and we have put him on meds, as what you thought was the flu, is actually something known as gastritis, more commonly known as inflamed stomach walls, and he has shown symptoms of this all can be treated, and is being treated as we speak." he is awake if you want to see him. 

I ran into the room, and ran up to Niall, crying into his shoulder. I thought we lost you. "you wouldn't get rid of me if I stole your last crisp." he laughed. our Nialler was better

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