chapter3-no-one shows up

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As they walked further and further across the field,the only people they could see were the usual people at the skate park and a bunch of teenagers all crowded round a small brown table accompanied by a bench.

"No-one's here." Jess was quick to point out.

"Let's go looks around the corner and the other pitch we play on,that's probably where they installed the lights(floodlights)." replied Katie bringing out her sense of leader ship.

"Okay,but there probably not there." Jess replied.

"If there not there I'll be so mad!" Katie whined in an irritated tone of voice.Jess walked on ahead a little bit and saw no-one was there.

"Ugh." Jess grunted in frustration.

"There not here."

Bye now it's already really dark,but Its not blowing wind anymore or raining quite so heavily. The girls stand there for around ten minutes discussing what their going to do.

"Its only 15 past 6:00 and football(soccer)practise starts at 6:30, maybe were just early." Katie suggested.

"Yeah,I guess so.we should wait at least another 15 minutes for them to get here." Replies Nina.

So the girls stand there for a while gossiping and talking about there new secondary(high)school getting to know each others schooland what they are like (as they all go to different schools.)

When it reached 6:30 or near 6:30 the girls came to a conclusion.

"Its already 6:30 and no-one is here.It must mean its not on then." Jess stated.

"Let's play tag for a little while in case someone shows up later." Katie suggests.

"Okay then,but lets put our football (soccer) boots on,because there easier to run in as the ground is muddy and wet from all the rain."Jess sensibly suggests.

"Okay,good idea" Nina and Katie both agree,whilst nodding their heads.

Nina,Jess and Katie run over to the benches(avoiding the side where the older teenagers were smoking and god knows what)

Katie is the first person to get her football(soccer) boots on followed by Nina then Jess.

"Tag!" Katie slaps Jess really hard mimicking one of their strange friend who goes by the name of Esme.

Whilst playing tag,Esme can be a little too overly rough and slaps everyone when playing whilst yelling the word "tag".

In order to spare her feelings from getting hurt,none of them told her about what she does whilst playing tag,they just bravely bare with it.

"Tag!" Jess repeats whilst lightly touching Nina's shoulder.They've now ended their mimicking session and now decided to play properly. The word"tag" is repeted with the action of lightly tapping someone on the shoulder until they saw something...

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