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Thought You Were Dead

"Jellybean?!" You heard your father FP yell as he and Jughead ran into the house, you push your boyfriend away from you and hop off the counter being startled by the noise. No one is meant to be home until later.

You fix yourself up and so does Sweet Pea, you then begin to walk into the living room, "Dad? Jug? What's going on?", you asking, your heart still pumping fast from the fright.

Just as they about to answer, your mother walks threw the door. Probably from taking with Vee.

"Why's the door wide open?", she asks out loud.
Jughead then turns to Pea and I, "Have you seen JB?", he asks. Pea and I look at each other with confusion, "No Jug....she hasn't come home, I thought she was with you and Dad?".

I look at Dad and see concern written all over his face, "What's going on!?", my mother says getting frustrated.
Dad turns to her and sighs, "Kurtz has taken JB".

She turns to him, looking like she could kill someone yet worried for her youngest child.
"We have to find him!", she says furious.

Dad scoffs and I look at Jughead, I begin to walk over to him. My heart beating faster by the second knowing my baby sister is in harm.

"Find him? He's in the back of my cruiser", Dad says. And with that I storm out of the house and make my way to Dads car.

Sweet Pea and Jug following suit.
I open the back door and grab Kurtz by his hair, dragging him out and into the house.
I throw him on the ground and yell for my mother to get something to tie him down.

I turn to Sweet Pea feeling frustrated I kick the wall, leaving a hole. Kurtz begins to laugh and I turn to him, I walk over to him fastly and on my way I grab the pocket knife from Sweet Pea's pocket.

I pull the knife out in a swift motion and put it to his neck. He stops laughing and I feel a presence behind me. The grab me gently by the arm and pull me away.

I turn around and see my Dad, I turn and look to Pea, "Baby you have to go out there and look for her. Please, get as many Serpents as you can. I....I", Sweet Pea then puts both his hands on each side of my face.

I see the concern on his face and in his eyes, JB and him have gotten close the past few days seeing as he's been over here most the time.

He leans in and kisses my forehead, he lets the kiss linger a bit and I close my eyes letting a tear slip out.
He then stands up straight and hugs me.
"I've got this baby girl. We will find her, I promise", he says rubbing my back.

"We better. Or Kurtz will be the next missing person".


"If JB is-" I begin to say but get interrupted by Pea, "JB will be home with you and your family soon baby girl. We have to keep thinking positive" He says holding my hands.

He kisses my forehead and then let's go of my hands, "We're gonna find her. I've already called Fangs and the others. She'll be home soon." I nod my head and then let go of his hands.

He begins to walk to his truck and once he gets in it I walk into my house.

I hear my mother and father yelling as soon as I open the door, I roll my eyes.
I walk past them and straight to Kurtz.


Part 2 will be up soon, sorry for the lack of updates and sorry this is so short life is hectic at the moment.

P E R F E C T I O N ~ Sweet Pea ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now