- Where Are We? -

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My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi

(This story takes place after the Stain Arc)

Class 1A was currently preparing for their Final Exams.

"Do we have any idea what we're up against for the final exams?" Uraraka asked.

"I don't know for sure...but Kendo from Class 1B told us that we're fighting robots," Midoriya said.

"Robots? That's great! I can let loose with robots!" Kaminari smiled.

"You can't win every fight by starting out with your biggest attack, Kaminari." Iida chimed in, moving his hands in a chopping motion.

"I know! I just won't have to worry about hurting anyone!" Kaminari defended.

"Didn't Mr. Aizawa say to Midoriya that you're pretty much useless if all you can do is fire off one shot and be done?" Jiro said.

"Oh come on Jiro!" Kaminari complained.

Mr. Aizawa walked into the room and began to get ready for the class.

Everyone got into their seats but was interrupted by all of the lights going out.

"What?" Kirishima gasped, as well as a few other students.

"Is the school's power out?" Ashido asked.

"I don't know..." Aizawa said, he opened the door and saw that all of the lights were on in the hallway, "I think it's just our classroom."

"But it's not even raining," Sero said.

He was right, the sky was clear and blue, and the only light was coming from the windows. Everyone could still see, but they weren't concerned with that.

"I'll go get someone to fix this-" Aizawa said, starting to head out the door, but was stopped by the door slamming shut.

That caused a few of the students to scream.


"Ok...I don't know what's going on...but I have a bad feeling about this." Midoriya said.

"You think, Deku?" Bakugo glared.

Everyone went dead silent when a voice was heard, a voice that didn't belong to a student or Aizawa.

"Sorry for scaring you."

"Who's there?!" Aizawa yelled. He wasn't going to have any of his students get hurt.

"Oh don't worry, Aizawa, I won't hurt any of your students."

"Did you just...read my mind?" he asked, still in a defensive stance.

"Yup. I can read all your minds! And no, Kaminari, I am not a ghost." the voice said.

"It would be cool if you were..." Kaminari mumbled.

"Well, all of you can rest assured, I'm not here to hurt any of you." the voice said.

"Then what are you here for?" Todoroki asked.

After he finished, the supposed "source" of the voice appeared over one of the desks right in front of the students. (All of the students were against the corner because Aizawa told them to.)

"I'm here to show you guys stuff!" 

It was a girl around their age, with long brown hair with a purple streak. She had on what looked like a hero costume.

"Who are you?" Aizawa asked.

"My name's Glittz. And I'm from a different dimension!" she smiled.

"A different dimension? Cool!" Uraraka smiled.

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