Part 4: Building Support

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AzureMoon: Part I

Month 3. Day 6. Year 1181


Iremember a lot of things in my life, however, there are gaps that Ican't recall at all. For instance, I knew what I did for a living. Ialso knew how I was as a person. However, there are spans of weeks,and even some months, where my memory is practically gone. Most ofthese gaps were right before Sothis appeared for the first time. Thefirst time she appeared was when I saved the three class leaders fromGarrag Mach. They were randomly attacked by bandits and would havebeen killed if our mercenary band hadn't been there. It was quite agood thing Sothis appeared-- I had thoughtlessly thrown myself infront of an axe that was aimed for Edelgard. When the axe was aboutto make it's mark into my back, time froze. In the depths of my mind,I could hear Sothis grumble.

"Honestly! What do you think you are doing? You are such a fool!"In a blink of an eye, I was thrown back into time, just momentsbefore the bandit attacked Edelgard. Time remained frozen; everyoneand thing still as a statue. I was standing next to Jeralt, where Ioriginally was before I had ran to Edelgard's safety.

"Lookslike I have no choice but to help you stay alive. I cannot use thispower so much. Do not mess up. Do not do anything you should regret."Sothis's voice faded away just as it appeared, and then time startedback up again.

"Edelgard!Look out!"

Iimmediately grabbed my sword and sprinted towards Edelgard, clashingmy blade against his axe, effectively saving her life and protectingmine.

Sothishad called this power Divine Pulse. Ever since then, she has vowed touse it in the most dire circumstances. Thankfully, there hasn't beenanother instance where the Divine Pulse needed to be used.

Ilooked out the window to gaze at the trees, seeing a leaf break apartfrom a tree and slowly float to the window seal. I took the leaf bymy hands, twisting it through my fingertips.

Howdoes a power like that even exist? How can a being who exists in mymind be able to start and reverse time the way she does?

"BecauseI don't only exist in your mind."

"Iknow, Sothis." I remarked quietly under my breath, then added, "howdo you do it?"

Therewas a moment of silence before she stated, irritated, "I do notknow how I know how to do it. It does not matter, as long as it helpsyou, correct?"

"Isuppose not."

"Goon. You have things to do today. You don't have the time to fret overthings that do not matter!"

"You'reright." I stood as I started out of my room, then stopped andturned to face my desk. Placed in the center was a worn out journal,filled with pages upon pages of stories that I have written overtime.

"Ineed to write some stuff down first."

Sothissighed loudly, as though I was inconveniencing her. "Fine. Go aheadand do what you please."

When I finished, I headed out the room and headed toward the traininggrounds to find the class already present. Annette, Mercedes, andAshe sat, all snacking on a breakfast that one of the three cooked.Dimitri was sitting on the edge of the field while Dedue stayedstanding behind him; both seemed to be mentally preparing for theday. Felix and Ingrid were bickering with each other about how asword should properly be held. Sylvain stood alone, isolated fromeveryone else, which was strange. Typically, he would be joking witheither Felix or Ingrid. I left the other students to their owndevices as I walked to him.

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